Saturday, July 18, 2015

"Back From The Belly Of The Whale"

I see the brightest sun this morning that I have ever seen. I am no longer in the belly of the whale. 7-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As usual when I went to bed last night I was empty minded as to what I would write about today. I had hit a snag, and was off the internet with my blogs for three days. Something had hindered me from posting my last blog, and in the confusion of trying to correct the problem, I deleted the entire message. I had felt good about this subject, and had spent hours releasing my mind of, what I thought, was important. I am still having trouble having had to let it go. Something seemed to tell me that I was not suppose to have posted that blog. I agreed to that thought, and tried hard to forget it. The fact is, that willingness to forget didn’t leave me alone. I kept trying over and over to find some way to retrieve that message. I was sure God had helped me to write that message, and I knew I could never come close to rewriting it again. In all the years I have been writing a blog I have never deleted one that I wanted to keep. I remember I had used the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale, as a part of the message. I also remember writing something about that story that I had never been made aware of before. Oh! how important I felt, that I share the new light with others. That didn’t happen, and I am having trouble trying not to argue with God just like Jonah did. God did change His mind about destroying Nineveh after Jonah was spit out of the whale’s mouth  It angered Jonah that he had been put in the belly of hell, all for nothing, so much that he told God about it. How often do we want everything our way even if it displeases God? I feel like something in the deleted message was interfering with the message God wanted me to write. It took three days for me, like Jonah in the belly of the fish, to get spit out. I had thought I might quit writing blogs, and was blank about anything to write. Then this morning I was surprised with the brightest sunshine I had ever seen, both in the sky, and in my heart. I will keep on keeping on trying to be my best until I die. We all need a good scolding once in awhile. I am glad it was nothing more than a simple scolding. I was reminded of the scolding’s I used to get from my earthly father. Never the belt, just a scolding. It always made me to remember I was still a child, and would be treated like one.

So if you have missed me it’s because I have been in the belly of a whale. I am free now, and will continue on with the words that my Heavenly Father gives me.

To all of my viewers in other countries, I want to apologize for not being able to return your messages. I get them written in your own language and cannot read them, nor I cannot find a way to send back a message to you. Please pray for my improved knowledge on how to correspond more widely. I do appreciate your interest, and you are always in my prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp

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