Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Showing A Symbol Of Who I Am"

Bachelor Buttons honoring Old Glory this morning. July 4, 2015 Perryton, Texas. God bless our veteran's.  
I was especially thankful this morning while relaxing near my flower garden, to remember the history of our great nation. A declaration of independence was signed over two hundred years ago giving you and I the liberty to be choosers of our own religion. A fight between England and the newly formed thirteen colonies had been ongoing for over a year. Finally a declaration of independence was drawn up, and Thomas Jefferson was appointed to be given authorization to legally sign it. Since that time disagreements and continued battles have been part of this Great USA. The fighting among the US citizens has subsided over the years to a country where many foreign citizens want to make it their home. It took several wars with other countries, as well as among US citizens, to escalate America to the Greatest Power on earth. Today, July the 4, we are celebrating the freedom of this Great Nation by honoring all men and women who fought and gave their lives for what we now call “America The Beautiful.”  I pray that every living citizen today will not only raise their flags, but fight to keep them raised. The most vicious  war America has ever fought is going on now. Many refuse to believe that, but I stand firm in my belief that the Army of Armageddon is in full force. Our greatest enemy is within our own borders. The virgin America has fallen. The fate there of is in God’s hands and nothing can stop that. We who have been soldiers of the cross will die like all other good soldiers before us, but we have the promise of a home in paradise. Many will go down still denying the power of God. Please read this passage of scripture. Maybe some will rethink their self-righteous, but I fear few, if any, will. Amos 5: 1-2.  Hear ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel, The Virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up. Some may not know this, but what we call America today is the off spring of Israel. We who call ourselves Christians have been grafted into the Jewish decent. Christians believe the Messiah has come, and Jews are still looking for Him to come, The same prophecy that was given to the Jews applies to Christians. That is why the well read bible scholars are not denying that Israel will be saved in the end against any nation, or nations even though they all join forces against Israel. If we are loved by God, we love Israel. He does not make a distinction.  The sooner we quit trying to tell God, “You said,” and start respecting Him for whatever He does, the sooner we will be well in body, mind, and soul. Yes, punishment is for all who disagree with the Heavenly Father. Please, if you never remember anything else I’ve said today, remember that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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