Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Answer Not A Fool According To His Folly"

A little humming bird can be seen in center of pic sitting on a limb. Trying to decide on what flower to suction from today. 7-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I finally was able to snap a picture of a humming bird today, but not while sucking nectar. It kept coming back and landing on the fence like it was trying to decide which flower to eat from. It propelled for awhile, but I was not able to get a picture with it in air. I will be waiting for that perfect pic. It is too hot this afternoon to be outside very long.

People are still celebrating Independence Day week-end. We had a small crowd at church today. The sermon was food enough for a full flock, but much was wasted. The pastor tossed it all out, and couldn’t retrieve any of it. What a shame, but like the Lord told the prophet, Ezekiel, he must take the word even to the rebellious, and whoever don’t want it will not be punishment for Ezekiel. The pastor gave the message, the people failed to be there to benefit from it. The pastor’s reward will be the same. The few that were there were totally overwhelmed by the true, word of God, that was chosen to be delivered by Ezekiel to the rebellious Israelites. Read the scripture  Ezekiel 2:1-10.

Almost every sermon being  delivered by pastors today are focusing on the frightful things that are empowering our own county. The one and foremost important thing I got from the sermon today was this. “For many years people have said they believe certain things about their religious doctrine, but soon they will have to live those things instead of just saying them.” It will be then that people will be called true believers, or hypocrites. This sounded like test time to me. I do also believe this time is very close. I cannot put my bible down lest I fail to remember the questions. I need the extra strength the Holy Spirit gives me when I read my bible daily and pray for guidance. The closer we live to God, the closer He lives to us. My greatest fear is for those I love so dearly, but are living their lives recklessly. It doesn’t even stop there. I fear for all, even those I don’t know,  who are not living close to God. This Godly love I possess cannot be measured. How thankful I am to own that divine love. It wasn’t something I earned, but a gift from God that I will always be grateful for. Yes, I believe this is one of the test we will have to take, and pass, before we can enter into God’s Kingdom. Is it real, or is it hypocritical? If we don’t possess that kind of love, then we cannot fool our Almighty God. He knows all things, and He knows what’s in our hearts. The carnal mind will have to be ejected from this mortal body before we can express that kind of love. That is what the Holy Spirit does when we yield to me our all. “Keep me true dear Lord, keep me true.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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