Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Oh For Wisdom To Be My Guide"

 The cluster of plums are finally turning red. There was 17 of these when I first took a picture. I believe they are all still there. Hard to count without knocking some off. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
 The lonely sunflower is weeping this morning because there is no sun. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The lilies are slowing opening because they like sun too. 7-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I had to put my sweater on this morning when I went out to stroll through the yard. It is 63 degree with no sun at all. A slight chance of rain is predicted. We really need it. All the fruit and flowers are doing well, but they do need some moister to continue their best sweet taste, and beautiful smiling faces. This summer has been such a blessing to me, We had lots of rain earlier and everything in my yard just took off like wild fire. Never have I seen it more beautiful. I am going to miss all the bright, colorful, flowers and tasty fruit when the cooler days set in, and turn into cold winter. I’ve never been a friend to winter, but I may have to change that this time. I don’t like being shut-in for long periods of time. Something pleasing is surely waiting for me this winter. I trust that I will be sound-minded enough to know what is good, and what is not, when it comes to making choices that involve change. Even the wise ole owls sometimes get fooled when they close their eyes. Never does that evil old Satan cease to lead you astray. Any change he puts before you could be bad, even though it seems so wonderful at first. I realize that is something we have to pray about a lot before making the change.  I am a firm believer that God will never let us go wrong if we keep our prayer life up. Its when we forget to let God be the answer to our desire of change, that we get into trouble. Several times I have walked away from something that nearly killed my heart because I wanted it so badly. I even felt guilty for hurting someone else by walking away. But a certain bit of wisdom will tell us when a change is not good for us even though we want to grab it and hang on. I am thinking of the sweet old song, “I am Thine ole Lord, I have heard thy voice, and it told thy love to me. And I long to be in the arms of faith, and be closer drawn to Thee.” Sometimes this feeling can be applied to a earthly love, but when do we know the difference in real lasting love or temporary? Every day is a challenge for us, but not for long, because time is running out for most of us. We are making choices daily even though we don’t realize that. If we chose not to change we have made a choice. If we chose to make a change we have made a choice. The question remains, are we making the right choices daily? When I met my husband to be, I was young and didn’t give a thought as to what I might be getting into. I just knew he loved me and showed it in many ways. Now that I’m single again, and have been challenged to make a choice to accept another love, or not to accept, I feel so concerned about a possible mistake. I haven’t fully gotten over the first love I walked away from after losing my husband. I still feel like it was the right choice, but sometimes I long for something about it.  I am talking to God about this challenge daily. I am sure he will guide me in the right direction.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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