Monday, July 13, 2015

"Earthly Pleasures Will Pass Away But God's Word Will Not Pass Away"

 My granddaughter-in-law, Connie, grandson, Arron, grandson, Josh holding his and Arron's little girls, Ellie, & Avery, my daughter, Rhonda, with son, Kent at the grill. 7-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My son, Rick resting comfortable in the cool breeze on the patio. Family reunion in Abilene Texas. 7-13-2015 Perryton, Texas

Earthly pleasures will pass away but god’s word will not pass away
I took a lot of pictures at the family reunion this past week-end. I will be sharing some of them. It was a wonderful two day get-together with my children and grandchildren. I mentioned before the place where we met was at my son and daughter-in-law’s house in Abilene, Texas. The spacious house was very modern and comfortable. It was a pleasure to be treated like a queen-mother while others did the cooking and cleaning. I met two little great granddaughters whom I hadn’t seen before. They were so precious and seemed to know that I was their great grandmother, although one is 22 months, and the other 10 months. Three of my four children were there. My oldest son, Chuck, couldn’t make it, but he lives in the same town I live in so I see him daily. I count my blessings every day and name them one by one. Every child, grandchild, and great, great grandchild, is a precious blessing to me. I have one great, great, great, granddaughter that I haven’t met. She is also precious to me. I don’t want to think beyond this life, but I surely want to enjoy the life I am now living, and being with my family is the most enjoyable time I could ever ask for. The love of God is forever shinning on me, and I share it with my family. I need to speak more and more of His love to others. Everyone needs Jesus in their life, but if we fail to teach others what we have learned about Him many will go to their grave lost and undone. I am guilty already. I pray I will do more than I have in the past to lead someone to Jesus.

I have had a great, unbelievable prayer answered this past week. I had almost forgotten that I had been praying for it. Then, whammo! I heard the good news. I was ashamed when I acted so surprised at hearing about this. I don’t know how God could keep having patience with some of us. After all the bible tells us that our Heavenly Father loves us even more than our earthly father, and is able to give us even more. I don’t know how He could love me more than my earthly father did, but I understand how He could give me more. Our biggest enemy is our own selves. We just have trouble believing God for answering our prayers. We find too many reasons why He might not answer, but I stand on these words. “Whatsoever ye ask in my name, that shall ye also receive.”  John 14:13. There is no if and, and’s  about it. If we really want something that makes sense to God He will give us the desires of our heart. There is no stopping place once we get our prayer answered. We must continue to trust God to lead us all the rest of our lives. “Happy are those who trust in God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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