Monday, July 20, 2015

"Hear Ye Children Avoid All Fake Messengers"

I love these lovely pink snap dragons. I have about four different colors of them. Yellow, white, orchid, and pink. 7-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The tall limb you see is shooting up from my cherry tree. I thought it unusual to see a limb growing about three feet above the top of the tree. 7-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After a light rain last night everything in my yard has greened up again. The flowers are so pretty, with all of them showing their true colors. The trees, the grass, and everything else is as green as it gets. I had to notice a three foot limb growing straight up above the top of my cherry tree. I wonder what it will turn into. It reminded me of some of the trees I pant, a little unusual. The rain did cool things down also. It had been extremely hot here for almost two weeks. The fruit has all ripened except for the apples and grapes. I eat several delicious plums every day. At first I was afraid of eating too many, but so far I haven’t gotten sick. I have several pecan trees growing in my yard now because the squirrel’s planted the seeds before my neighbor eradicated them. The trees are about one foot tall, and are growing fast. I hope I can find someone to give them to because they are paper shell and very delicious. The tree my neighbor has next door furnishes enough pecans for the whole neighborhood. Rick told me he saw another squirrel in the apple tree the other day, so I am going to have to tell my good neighbor he needs to bring back his slang-shot. They had taken my attic over before the neighbor finally figured out how to get rid of them. I am so grateful for his perfect performance.

I am so thankful for friends who I can share my joy’s and concerns with. I am speaking of friends who are in conversation with me either by telephone or email. It is not always that a person can open up and talk freely on face book or twitter, not to mention that everyone aren’t fortunate enough to have friends whom they can trust. I do feel so blessed to have the sweet fellowship of  many friends. I pray I will always realize the wealth of having these kinds of friends, and never wish for something more. I am a firm believer that God has messengers He uses daily to send His message. Everyone knows He had them in bible times, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone to hear He still has them today. How does God answer our prayers without a messenger to deliver? How feeble is the mind that cannot see through that? Many times people will scoff at a message sent to them by God, only to run head-on with a disastrous situation. How daring can one get before they wake-up and hear the reality whistle blowing? The difference in knowing the true messenger and the fake one, is to know the Word of God, and to respect Him for accepting you into his kingdom, if you have been accepted. If you haven’t been accepted yet, then your chances of hearing from God is zero, except for that messenger He sent to invite you to join Him. Without a membership you cannot participate. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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