Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Unworthy But Worthy"

Look who came to my door this morning. Looking in need of something. It wasn't crippled, but it never moved when I opened the door. When I left it flew away. What message did this bird leave for me today? Let's find out. 7-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.
A nice rain last night has cooled things down again. It was extremely hot yesterday. At 7:30 this morning I opened my front door to see this little bird sitting on my porch. The noise from the door opening didn’t seem to bother the little visitor at all. My first thought was the little thing had been injured by a cat or dog, but that was not the case. After watching it awhile I decided to take its picture. I was sure it would be gone when I got back, but it still was sitting there noticeably waiting for something. I took the picture then walked away. Immediately the bird flew away. Now I am meditating on this unusual happening.

I do know birds have been used by God to deliver important messages. During the flood in Noah’s days, Noah had no way of knowing if the waters were vanishing. He sent a dove from his ark to inspect the weather conditions. The dove found no rest for the soles of her feet, and she returned unto the ark. Noah put out his hand and pulled her back into the ark. Genesis 8: 8-9. Later he sent her out a second time. She returned with a dry olive leaf in her peak. Noah knew the waters were abated from off the earth. He sent the dove again for the third time after seven more days, and this time the dove didn’t return unto him. Noah knew the dove had found a place to rest her feet. The message was clear to him. God was in this world-wide event, and He used a bird to deliver messages to Noah. Then another time God speaks of birds delivering messages is found in Ecclesiastes 10:20.
Curse not the king: no not in thy thought. And curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. 

The little bird that sat on my porch this morning could be given a dozen or more normal reasons for resting there, but due to the abnormally hesitation of it leaving causes me to think something in a way of a message is being delivered to me. I will wait for seven days, just like Noah did, to see if another such happening appears, or is revealed. I have no doubt but that God is speaking to me so as to encourage me. Every person on this earth was born for a reason, and no one can know exactly what that reason was. I have a place at God’s big table, and I will always be present when dinner is served. There may be those under the table whom are eating the crumbs, but I am one of those who share in the best God has to offer. No crumbs for me. I won’t give up my seat to join the crumb-takers, even though I love them all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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