Monday, July 27, 2015

"I Missed The Plane"

High up in the sky, apples fry. Pie anyone? they're free. They are so good. 7-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Another hot day is making me not-so-cool. I like the out doors and its too hot to be outside. All the fruit is needing refrigerating, but that is not going to happen. Its regretful to see so much good fruit going to waste. I refuse to put any more in jars or freeze any either. I have had to throw out too much in the past. What an abundance of blessings God gives us. Sometimes more than we can handle. At least I feel the love of His great big hand reaching down to me.

I was in the yard long enough to see a low-flying plane go over my head. I didn’t have my camera ready so couldn’t get a picture. It was bigger than a single engine plane that people use for their own transportation. It seemed to be slightly above the high line wires. The Perryton airport is only a couple of miles away. I’m sure it was fixing to land. Every time I go into my back yard I see something interesting. The sky is the limit, and believe me I see a lot up there, both day and night. My big back yard is a zoo for all kinds of birds, squirrels, butterflies, honey bees, frogs, snakes, spiders, mosquito’s, lizards, rabbits, and many other animals who visit frequently. I haven’t seen a skunk yet, but some people have. I have seen red fox’s and ducks. My next door neighbor has a fish pond, and three or four ducks found it. My good neighbor was so happy, but after one day the ducks disappeared. He checked to see if they came over here, but I hadn’t see those that came to his pond. He thought some cats had killed them and drug them off, but we never saw a feather anywhere. We welcome them back. I gave all my fish to him and filled in my pond with dirt. I do miss them, but they were too much trouble.

Excitement, excitement. That’s what I have every morning when I wake up. I never want to go to bed because I like being active. By my own will power I finally make it to bed about 11:00 o’clock. I fall asleep somewhere around 2:00 o’clock. I am always ready to arise and get going with my fun, and dutiful things. If I get tired and have to sit down for awhile, I can always think of someone to call. Usually those whom I call are having more fun than I, and I get jealous. But to tell the truth I wouldn’t trade places with them, because I like my home pleasures too much to leave very often. I love company, and will be having a friend from Oklahoma City, coming to visit me this week-end. I must get that fresh apple pie baked. I already have the ice cream. This friend has been loved by me for over fifty years. I was saddened when she moved to Oklahoma City a year ago. She wanted to be close to her children. God bless her is my prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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