Sunday, March 29, 2020

"Sunday Lunch At Home"

      Home-made chili, and pineapple cream pie for Sunday lunch. 3-29-2020 Perryron, TX
Yesterday was a bad day for me. The wind blew so hard it sounded like a tornado was coming. I worried that my fence was going to blow down, and I stayed in my pajamas all day. I needed to do several things, but did not have any desire to do anything. I hadn't had a day like that in years. I'm sure most of my droopiness was caused from this plague God has put on our country. I believe God let the evil that has taken over our morals, and is making a mockery out of Him, create, and spread this virus that now has the whole world suffering from it. I spent most of the day yesterday trying to find a reason for it, and this is all I could come up with. The followers of Christ have not done enough over the years to keep evil out of our churches, and out of our families in general. They have accepted the things in others that God had definitely forbidden. Giving the reason that Jesus said, “Thou shall not judge.” They failed to follow God's commandments (the 10 most important of all,) Every human being was told to follow the ten commandments. We Christian believers did not do enough to keep these commandments in our schools, in our government places, and even in our children's every day life. We gave into a more relaxed life that seemingly pleased everyone, but God. The modern day name for it is liberalism. Also identified today as “the liberal, left, evil Democrats. I will not excuse myself from giving into some of these things we Christians have accepted, since it did seem we were going too far with judging others. The fact is we never stopped giving in, and today almost everything in Satan's hell is accepted by most. Now it is “pay up time,” for everyone.

Last night before I went to bed I prayed, and asked God to give me a better day today. I told him all the things I wanted to do today, and He has helped me do most of them already. I even baked the pineapple cream pie that I was suppose to make several days ago. I'm almost finished with my blog, and I will just need to take my bubble bath, and color my hair. That is to cover the gray. Not changing colors. I believe in staying as natural as possible. At this time in my life my biggest temptation is overeating. I do struggle with that. If I stay healthy I must stay sensible. My lunch today (Sunday) was a bowl of home-made chili, and a piece of pineapple cream pie. I will be sharing most of this goodies-stuff with others. It might be because I was craving these two foods, but I thought it was the best I ever made. Both foods are high in carbs, and I must honor my low-carb diet. I drink either water or coffee. No drinks with sugar or alcohol. No not even wine.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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