Saturday, March 7, 2020

"A Gold And Silver Nugget Enriches The Crocus"

The gold nugget is showing off the crocus. The silver nugget got left out of picture. 3-7-2020 Perryton, TX
Oh My Goodness! The crocus buds are sticking their heads up from the plants. So excited! It's been such a long winter. Some of the other early plants are up, and growing fast also. Rose bushes are turning green. What a happy day this has turned out to be. I finally left my recliner long enough to take a little walk outside. The new birth of plants, and winter asparagus, etc, made me feel so much better. In just a few more days I'm sure I will be spending a lot of time in my yard. The recliner will get a lot of rest. Saturdays are always a dread for me as there is nothing going on here in this small town on the weed-ends. When you have no family close by it can get pretty boring. But come Monday morning everything begins to bustle up. There is something every day of the week to keep me busy. Several things are scheduled this month at the Center that I plan to attend. Of course the Center is closed on week-ends.

I have fixed chicken and dressing today, and made some cupcakes for fresh strawberries. Cooking is my favorite thing to do, but I have been trying to stick to a diet for some time now. So far today I have been faithful, but it's awhile yet before bed time. Then all day Sunday, tomorrow, I will be tempted to eat. I went shopping last week and bought three new tops. I never tried them on before I bought them, and they were all too tight when I tried them on at home. I must lose a few more pounds for that reason if for nothing else. I am a firm believer in a balanced diet, so it takes longer for me to lose weight. I mostly cut down on my portions of food.

I have watched a lot of news today. I have seen most of it over and over till I am tired of watching it. Ninety five percent of it is political. Every day is a day of fighting between our own citizens whom many have turned against America, and are determined to let it become a New World Order. Meaning an elite few will control the whole world. We absolutely must not let that happen. It would be better to die than to live in a time such as what the liberal left is trying to produce. The war is going on now, and no matter what some may think, that is as true as the days are long. I doubt that peace will ever be present again in our country, even to the point of none constant, deadly fear in some way. Time will worsen the trouble we are already having. I urge everyone to wake up, and recognize the danger we are in as Americans.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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