Monday, March 16, 2020

"A Normal Rainy Day"

A nice place to sit, and watch the rain. How long can this be possible? Prayers for our country please! 3-16-2020 Perryton, TX

As you can see the driveway, and the street is wet from slow rain. It has showered off, and on for several days. Just enough to keep the sun from shinning. The moister is appreciated though, and we will see the sun some today. As long as I can see the sun I can see a bright future. The same God who gives us sunshine gives us darkness. Spiritually speaking we are experiencing an extended time of darkness, but whenever the jail time has been served the light will return. We all are prisoners of sin, and darkness. God will judge the entire world, and let the repented go free. Sadly to say many will never repent, and will be prisoners through out eternity.

Yes, I am saying every human being has committed sin, and every sin has to be recognized by God. His son, Jesus, came to earth to save the people from eternal sin, but 
God the father, would not allow His son to be mocked forever. After Jesus died on the cross, contrary to what some may believe, people had a choice, then an obligation to follow His example. From what I'm hearing, and seeing from some people, they have never heard of Jesus, or don't believe in Him. They trample on His body every day. The Heavenly Father is watching, and certainly He will make those evil doers pay. Because all human life is on the same planet we all will suffer some of the consequences of sin. Those who are faithful, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be spared from the worst of the punishment. It really is not a punishment for the believers, but they are survivors of a deadly crisis.

As many may have seen on television today many people in the European countries where the coronavirus has hit the hardest was standing out on their balconies with hands raised singing praises to God. God definitely saw them, and no doubt He knew their hearts. I'm wondering how bad it will have to get here in America before people get serious enough to start praising God from the house tops. And I wonder how many will wait too late to realize that God is in control. I am expecting a great break through from God, and sadness will fill the world that God made perfect in the beginning. It will be in a time like this that we lovers of trivial mementos, and money we have saved for emergencies will no longer be wanted. Nothing will matter except the Hand of God holding onto ours. Can we even imagine what a joy that will be?

I have not lost my faith in our great nation. I'm just saying that if this is the time for God to define sin, I am ready to hear it. I have been, and still am blessed every day. My life is in God's hand already.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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