Friday, March 13, 2020

"Ready For A Banquet Bouquet"

      Waiting for that beautiful Banquet Dinner. Do you believe? 3-13-2020 Perryton, TX

I love, love daffodils. They assure me that spring is alive, and well. Although we are having a cold, windy day today, I don't expect it to last long. Yesterday was a warm, beautiful day. I suppose we will be going up, and down for a few days yet. Due to the high wind, and dry weather here causing major fires around us I went and filled my tank with gasoline a while ago. Two towns within 25 miles of us had to evacuate a week ago. I believe some of the fire is still burning. Several houses were destroyed, and thousands of acres of grassland. Disasters are becoming more, and more frequent all along. I have no fear because I am aware of God's Word which tells us these things are going to happen. Of course I will do all I can to protect myself, but if that ever fails God will take care of me. I believe we have already had plenty of warning, and at any time the big disaster could happen quickly. Woe to those who turn a deaf ear to God's Word. We try to keep warning people, but they keep also turning a deaf ear to us. The day of reckoning is positively coming, but we can only do so much to warn others. If they do not believe us, then we have truly done all we could. Life it's self is a mystery, and we will never understand it. But the Creator of all magic is waiting to reveal his way.

I could not be more thankful for the perfect peace God has given me. He hears me tell Him so many times a day. However, there is never a day that Satan does not try and make me doubt. If Satan tempted Jesus while He was a human here on earth why would he not tempt us? Jesus lived a lifetime of great temptations, but never gave into Satan's lies. We are weaker than Jesus, but He helps us to deny these tempts if we are only wise enough to know when it is Satan speaking to us, or if we are using our own thoughts to get something we think is Godly. I've heard it said so much. If you are not sure then don't do it. This advise can possible cause us to miss many blessings, as well as keeping us from doing the wrong. Who will disagree with me when I say Jesus wants us to enjoy life? He does not want our perfection, because none of us have it? He wants us to live by His commandants, and trust Him with everything we do. Pray daily for forgiveness, and love thy neighbor as thyself. Which is also one of the ten commandants, and I understand it to be the most important of all. We do not have the choice of which neighbor we will love. We have a choice of abstaining from all evil. Do we need to make any changes in our lives today? Give it some thought.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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