Monday, March 23, 2020

"A Tiny Wonder Of God"

  If only they didn't have to die. But another will take their place. 3-23-2020 Perryton, TX
My joy is hanging on. I see beauty all around me. Sometimes it's in small images, but it's still faith, hope, and beauty. When one door is closed another one opens. That is if we are looking for happiness. When I can leave my house I will be spreading joy everywhere. I don't know how long I will be told to stay home, but I am fairing it just fine. I am being filled with hope, and zeal. At this time I am taking a low key, but expect to rise above the clouds soon. There is no doubt in my mind that this entire world is in a crisis, but I feel safe and sound with Jesus. I believe my own family is covered with His blood also, because the Word says by faith our loved ones will be saved. Isaiah 49:24 & 25. No greater love hath no man than this. I do miss my father who was so laid back, and was always telling people not to worry. The only thing that mattered to him was that his family was all well, and had plenty to eat. He definitely had those things. We children hardly knew what a doctor was, or never felt a hunger pain. None of us (7) ever had a broken bone, or missed a day of school because of sickness. We did miss some school days, but not because of sickness. He left us many years ago, but his faith still lives with us.

My worse enemy today is someone trying to tell me how to live my life. Unless I live by certain church rules, and participate in a certain style of worship I cannot be a member of their group. I do agree with normal church rules as long as they are reasonable, but not rules that make you give up your own convictions, and follow some ridiculous idea of others. Never, never tell me I have to be governed by anyone, or anything except My Heavenly Father. If I live by the ten commandments I believe I am pleasing God. I truly do my best to obey those fully. Nothing added, or taken away. I'm sorry to say, but I believe religious worship is what is causing all the trouble the world is in today. Christ has been taken out of our freedom of worship, and only evil seems to be the majority any more. I would advise no one give up your faith in Christ. Only He will overcome the world. And when you are told that you have to worship a certain way, please do not accept if you feel like it's wrong for you. Everyone should be allowed to answer to God, and to Him alone. If we have to stand alone, we really are not alone. Just let everyone be who God called then to be, and mind your own business. Our churches will fill back up if we all will take this message to heart.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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