Even without any sunshine
my little crocus plants are blooming nicely. If and when the sun does
come out they will be beautiful. It has been rainy, and cloudy for
several days here. No doubt the earth is getting a good depth of
moister. What a blessing for the wheat growers. We sunshine lovers
are getting a bit impatient, but we will just eat more snacks, and
wait it out. I seem to be working over time in my kitchen. It's
showing up on my body too. Fresh peach cobbler with ice cream is so
good. Trying to use up all the last years frozen peaches so I will
have room for this years crop. Part of my boredom is caused from
having to stay home because of the corona virus. I am trying to take
the advise of all the doctors, and not get out except if I have to. I
do hope this crisis ends soon.
Speaking of the corona virus crisis each day I am more convinced that it was caused by political endeavors to disrupt the American economy that was created by a very wise President who put his life on the line for America. We are learning that U, S. spies (so I call them,) were working for China where this virus started, trying to help that evil country to get back to cheating America for their own benefit. My question is why are not these known spies being charged, and prosecuted? Is our justice system as we have now, too cowardly to take action? Is our President the only man, or woman either, who has guts to fight this evil battle? I'm sorry to say, but I think our U.S, Attorney General is failing to do his job. There has been more than enough time to bring charges against some of these evil doers. No one wants a one man justice system, but is there anything else to do? The people has cried, and begged for justice, but it is not happening. Some of our best, capable, and dedicated people have been let disgraced, and tortured by these guilty, evil people. We cannot blame this to God, but to those who are not trusting God. Plainly they are cowards, and spineless people who need their authority pulled from them. They lied, and got their jobs, then are using every excuse to keep being worthless.
Until we, the people, make up our minds to call an end to this long suffering, hoping for some justice bye, and bye, we will be destroyed by the evil without God willing. Let us all accept our responsibility, and ask God what He wants us to do. We too must be willing to follow through when the going gets rough. And believe me the going is going to get very rough before this thing is over. We all must try harder to do more to help our true leaders to win this this war of evil verses good.
God Bless
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