Tuesday, March 24, 2020

"Hey Climatologists"

                                 Do you see what I see? What is it? 3-24-2020 Perryton, TX

I took this picture last evening of the sun with rub-board clouds surrounding the entire globe. It was so unusual, and I wanted to learn more about why the white rub-board clouds were making a total back ground for the sun. I was not able to find any information on the atmospheric formation, but my brain tells me it was an amazing sight. The sun was close to sitting when I noticed the clouds. Today there has been a clear blue sky with an eye-quenching sun shinning all day long. The kind I'm in love with. It makes it a little easier to stay shut up in my house. However, I'm more than ready for things to get back to normal. I did drive down town to pay my car insurance today, only to find that place closed up too. Instructions were left on the window how to pay your bill, but being the dependent person I am I did not even try to understand the this, or this, explanation. I will have to check my mail, and find the statement, and hopefully be able to mail it in. it's just easier to drive a few blocks, and let someone else do that. Besides I needed to ask the agent when some more of my insurance policies were due, and pay them while I was there. Like our President Trump says we will get through this, but I am slowly growing impatient.

I am one to keep asking will things ever be the same again? Can we expect more, permanent changes, and interruptions that will make some of us be ready to say good-bye world quicker than others? I have a strong feeling that a situation such as that is coming. Evil has been too damming, and too accepted by too many people for too long. God must now prove Himself too those evil earth dwellers, called humans. God did not let the Egyptians get by with their evil acts against His Israelits, and I am afraid He will do the same thing to all such-like people in the world today. If I didn't read my bible every night I might not be saying this, but trust me, evil is still evil today just as it was in Jacob's time. The Christians will be set free, after God has poured out his wrath. That does not mean they will be translated yet, but will have to bear many hardships just like the Israelits did. I am seeking a more solid ground for which to prepare for such a change. We need to be among the most dedicated, inspired, tested, and tried, people we can possible find. For me that would be the religious faith I grew up in. There is still such a faith here in my city, and unless something changes my feeling soon, I will be right back in their midst. I have already been called to take the test God requires when He seeks a strong, willing person to proclaim his Word. I am not anxious to enter into that crucial time of obedience, but my calling is still in order whenever God sees fit to use me. “Here I am Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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