Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Nature Hasn't Changed Except For Mankind"

I can pick plums from my dinning room window. How did we get this unreal? 3-21-2020 Perryton, TX
The plum trees are solid blooms, and looking so pretty. It seems as though there will be lots of fruit unless we have a late freeze. The only fruit I plan to freeze are peaches, apples, and cherries if they make this year. I have had cherry blooms for several years, but never any cherries, except a few. I'm not sure the trees are the kind for my part of the country. Chuck ordered them from a nursery far from where we live. They are the only fruit that don't bare plentiful. Keeping my fingers crossed that the fruit will turn out good this year.

Today is Saturday, and I am still staying home. It sure is getting old. I'm looking for a lot of people to be sick over this virus crisis even though they don't contact it. Changing one's lifestyle, and getting used to an entirely different environment can be very damaging to the brain if nothing else. Mental issues can be more damaging to one's health than a lot of other things. Staying home, and being isolated from family, and friends is a sure way to become depressed. When one is depressed they don't sleep well, and have bad dreams. We just must pray that this crisis will be corrected soon. If something happens to our telephone service then a lot of us will be in big trouble. I spent an hour talking to a good friend this morning who lives several hundred miles from me. She was a God sent blessing, and I was able to recover from a “don't want to do nothing” attitude when we hung up. I vacuumed the floors, and carried out the trash. Fixed me some lunch, and came to the computer to write this blog. That may not sound like much, but when you are glued to your recliner, it can mean a lot. Maybe by tomorrow I can talk to another friend who is suppose to be here from Oklahoma to live. I believe we should not meet just yet, but we can visit over the phone. Tomorrow being Sunday is always a downer day for me since I don't attend church like I did for years. The change in church services have made me more depressed than this virus. Let's face it, we are living in a changing world now, more than ever. It's proof that the bible is true, and we must accept it. When the week-ends pass then I am pretty much contented the rest of the week. Although I do have a lot of anxiety to deal with. I stay glued to the television hoping to hear good news, instead of doom, and gloom stuff.

So that's my thought for today. I will finish a thing or two then return to my recliner for the rest of the day. I understand Congress will be working tomorrow, Sunday, trying to get things done to help this country through the crisis. The churches are closed, so many people will be joining me in their recliners. We all will even have to fix our own dinner since all the restaurants are closed also. I'm sure we will survive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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