Friday, March 6, 2020

"Spring Time In War Time"

So glad to see the fruit trees greening up. Spring time is here. 3-6-2020 Perryton, TX 

This sixth day of April is telling me that spring is almost here. All the fruit trees are leafing out, and they look beautiful already. The temperature is 66 degree, and the sun is shinning bright. If the wind wasn't blowing I would be working in my yard. Any day now I will not have an excuse. I sure wish I was still young. I loved working in the yard. I can still do it, but my age will tell off on me after I say I'm finished. Just the same I am thankful for what strength I still have. I have my pitch fork ready to unload the flower beds, that I had covered with dead leaves to keep them from freezing. After raking a ton I will have many loads of dead stalks, and leaves to load up, and haul to the dumpster. I must do all of this before I call the mower to mow the yard. Then I will be spreading fertilizer with weed killer, and grub worm prevention over the entire yards. All of this is well worth the beauty it makes my yard show off.

I enjoyed a nice lunch today at the Center, and visiting with friends. I do love these days of dinning, and opining. I'm sure we are making a big difference in how the world turns. We all agree on most things especially in leaving our troubles away from our table. We laugh, joke, and sometimes choke, but always recover. If anyone of us is a bad influence we haven't discovered it yet. What a joy to have a place so nice as this Senior Citizen Center. Surly God loves Perryton, Texas. Of course if He ever closes this door, and opens another one, I will gladly walk right in. Who knows what, when, or why?

To end this segment I will express my disgust over all the senseless time the President and his associates has been spending at this time trying to answer trivial questions from a crowd about the coronavirus. The helicopter is roaring in the background so loud one cannot hear. I don't know how long they had been speaking when I first noticed them, but I watched for 30 minutes before I walked away. In my opinion this trick from the desperate democrats is another costly try to bring our President down. The same as climate control. Unless God does intervene there is no way the good people can win this evil, hell-fire war. It's now Satan's war against God, and just how far God will let it go is quite disturbing. I believe it is a wake-up call for all lazy Christians to either fight or die. God said there was a time and a season for all things. I believe this is the time and season for the last big battle before many of us are rescued. Are we ready for it? Are we watching for the Commander-in-Chief of all creation to come for us?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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