Monday, March 9, 2020

"My Faith My Fear"

          Gold and silver have I some. Open up little crocus flowers, 3-9-2020 Perryton, TX
I am watching by the minute to see these little purple crocus flowers pop out of the stalks. I can see them trying to open up, but they are taking their time. I definitely will post a picture of them when they do come out. This day is such a beautiful one, till I wish I could work in the yard. I dressed for a luncheon at the Center today, with make-up and all, then went to grocery shop, so it just wasn't a day to start yard work.

I must mention something that really has me shocked. I have been using liquid hand soap for my bath water for quite awhile. I buy the largest bottles on the shelf. Today I saw a sign with the few bottles of hand soap that read. Only one bottle per customer, so others can share. I didn't understand why that sign was there as I had never seen such before. Later I was talking to a friend about the 2,000 point drop in the stock market today. She was telling me people are panicking everywhere over the coronavirus flu, and all the toilet paper had been bought up. She also mentioned several other items of interest that was allotted. Our small town is so isolated from any big city till I was shocked to learn this happening so soon. I had no idea that all things necessary to live a normal life was going to be absent from our reach. I was made to remember the words of a past well-known person, but can't remember his name, He said America would not be destroyed by bombs, but by fear of such things. His might be just the time that those words will come true. I still believe no human source could ever make that happen alone. But God Almighty can use human beings to fulfill any plan He has for His creation. My friends this thing is bigger than man, the sooner you believe it the better off you will be.

I would not doubt that the richest people in the world may be made slaves before this thing ends. God can do all things, and He will before He will let evil control His world. If God so desires He can open wells of water in the dessert, and send flocks of quail to feed his people. It happened before, and it can happen again. This present time could be a testing time. Only those who are fully rooted, and grounded in God will survive. You may call this an addition to the pandemonium we already have, but it is a fact that the world is touched by fear. Every nation is taking steps to try to keep their people from being destroyed. It takes the fear of God to obey His voice. “Every knee shall bow before God in time.” Romans 14:11.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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