Thursday, March 26, 2020

"It's Real Not A Joke"

                             A 30 inch growth in two days. Really. 3-26-2020 Perryton, TX
Some of you are not going to believe me, but I don't even stretch the truth unless I go back and correct it. I have been watching every day for the asparagus plants to come through the ground, and until today I had not even seen a sign of any. I missed checking on them yesterday because I had some computer problems and had to have a technician come and work with my unskilled computer knowledge. Today after I got home from work I go out to check, and this is what I find. An asparagus stalk 30 inches tall. I measured it. Remember day before yesterday nothing of it was to be seen. It has a nice head of asparagus ready to eat, but it's the only one in the bed big enough, There are a few other sprouts up now, but not very tall. I almost fainted at the sight of this giant stalk of asparagus. That has been my biggest wonder of the day. I worked the bed with tender loving care while skinning, and bruising one of my fingers. I pulled my gloves off to untwist a bit of wire, then didn't put them back on before mashing a finger with a heavy piece of steel fence. It probably will be well before I get to go out of the house to be with friends anyway. But as of now it is not a pretty sight to be seen. However, there is no pain.

I am set to catch up on the news tonight. I have been too busy the past two days to watch much of anything. It's partly because I felt like our great President had already won the battle that was suddenly thrust upon him. I believe he is gaining more power every day, instead of losing it. This giant is not big enough to kill him. Instead the giant is going down with a big bang along with his little giants. The ones that got stunted, and didn't grow fast enough. Every Christian should be rejoicing now. We have overcome another huge, forceful attempt to lose our God-given country. I believe our forefathers are looking down at us with pride, and joy. No man, no matter how big, or how boastful, no woman, even the House Speaker, is powerful enough to take our country down. Ha, ha, ha, you did try your best, but best wasn't good enough. The King is coming, but He is not coming for the wicked. They will perish with their evil giant. “As for me, and my house we will serve the Lord.” I see a happy future ahead for those who have kept the faith, and will start being more faithful after everything settles down. I believe the churches will fill back up, and praises can be heard far, and near. I can't wait for that to happen. I've been dry far too long. I need a pouring down, not just a shower, of God's blessings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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