I am set to catch up on the news tonight. I have been too busy the past two days to watch much of anything. It's partly because I felt like our great President had already won the battle that was suddenly thrust upon him. I believe he is gaining more power every day, instead of losing it. This giant is not big enough to kill him. Instead the giant is going down with a big bang along with his little giants. The ones that got stunted, and didn't grow fast enough. Every Christian should be rejoicing now. We have overcome another huge, forceful attempt to lose our God-given country. I believe our forefathers are looking down at us with pride, and joy. No man, no matter how big, or how boastful, no woman, even the House Speaker, is powerful enough to take our country down. Ha, ha, ha, you did try your best, but best wasn't good enough. The King is coming, but He is not coming for the wicked. They will perish with their evil giant. “As for me, and my house we will serve the Lord.” I see a happy future ahead for those who have kept the faith, and will start being more faithful after everything settles down. I believe the churches will fill back up, and praises can be heard far, and near. I can't wait for that to happen. I've been dry far too long. I need a pouring down, not just a shower, of God's blessings.
God Bless
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