Thursday, March 19, 2020

"I Cannot Deny My Character"

                                           Huh! I might just do it. 3-19-2020 Perryton, TX

I will never tell, but you can guess. Do you think I am up to something? Well maybe. Time will tell. I have accomplished a lot today. Was at the grocery store this morning at 10 o'clock, and managed to buy $120.00 dollars of food, and didn't hoard anything. Although if I had been 20 minutes later I would have been out of luck. People were flocking in, and buying everything they could find. The lady in front of me at the check stand had approximately 100 tiny packages of some kind of dog food. She must have had a little dog if one of those packages made a meal. She said to me, my dog is going to eat whether I do or not. In fact that's all she had in her cart. I had to wait while the checker went to the office to see if she could let the woman have that much dog food. One by one the checker passed the packages over the scanner. I didn't see the bill, but I doubt that food was made in China. It took me awhile to realize it was dog food. It had a picture of a little white collie on it or I would not have known. I finally did get checked out, but several things I needed I couldn't get. No flour or dried beans. Only two dozen eggs, and no Crisco except for a can of butter flavored Crisco for $6.00. I've never used it before. The meat counters were all empty. I managed to get one small package of ground beef, and a stick of polish sausage. I laughed with some of my friends who were there buying also. We will survive, and even have our fun while doing it. I am ready for a night out, but everyone is staying home. I am about to get cabin fever.

I'm just happy to be resting now after a long, unusual day. Hopefully I can get out over the week-end, and reclaim my old irony tricks. I feel like I am seeing our God at work to straighten out a world of evil making sure His people start walking a straighter line. In my opinion it is a way past time. Actually I feel nothing but peace, joy, and happiness. Somehow God is removing all the memories of the past that had me in tears so much. I actually don't know how I stood up under such sorrowful, and never ending trials while living in a world of Satanic power. When it comes to killing unborn babies, and even little children who have done nothing wrong, I cannot handle it. I would go to bed at night and hear their little pleading cries. I still am not free from that feeling, but God has given me grace to accept it. I strive to keep my mind off of those bad things. God is the answer/

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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