Tuesday, March 10, 2020

"Gods Way Of Speaking To Us"

                  The super, full moon this morning at 7:20 a.m. 3-10-2020 Perryton, TX

This super full moon almost slipped by me. I noticed it this morning when I got up at 7:20 a.m. It was still dark, and the moon was gorgeous, but daylight was starting to fade it away. My camera will not show all the details of this moon, but it is such an amazing sight to behold. With my naked eye I could see a broad web-like circle around the golden light that shined like gold. It was near the ground in the western sky. This beautiful sight has been on my mind all day long. I'm waiting, by faith, till I can ask God many questions about His creation. My mind is full of wonders, that no scientist could ever answer. I guess I am normal that I do not dwell on things God didn't tell us. However, I hope to understand things better bye and bye. Until then I will enjoy my life, and the things God created for our pleasure, including the moon, the stars, and the sun. If I don't get too nosey I will continue to be blessed. I learned that from my earthly father. I truly believe I have a mansion, a robe and a crown waiting for me. Not because I deserve any of that, but because God is God. That's all I can say, and that's all I want to know as far as my personal life is concerned.

I had a peaceful day at work today. Chuck slept most of the five hours I was there. He got up to eat, then laid back down. Everything seemed to be o k with him. Guess he must have not slept well last night. I am at home now with the same peace. I feel completely free from any worry about the controvirus. I believe this was another trick from the democrats to try again to destroy our country as we now know it. Although all the nations around the world got fully alarmed, I am convinced that the media caused it all. The media is the worst enemy America has. The media controls the whole world, and they will have to learn that God still controls them. I received my peace after going through a short time of fear myself. When I found the shelves at the grocery stores getting empty, and the banks starting to ban together for a security plan, I thought maybe I couldn't use my debit card tomorrow even if there were some food to buy. That fear is all gone now, and I feel so secure just belonging to God. No, I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future, and I know who holds my hand. This war against evil can be won if everyone will take the same attitude as what God has to give. Never, never panic, because God is real.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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