Monday, March 30, 2020

"A Back Up Assurance"

           A death Angel is being exposed by the light of the sun. 3-30-2020 Perryton, TX

Look what I see this morning posing with the bright, shinning sun. The black figure is a perfect angel sending us a message. It is saying if we have applied the blood of Jesus to our hearts the death angle will pass over our homes. This is the same message Moses gave to the Israelite's when God told him He was going to kill the Egyptian's first born males. The blood then was from an animal, It was to be swiped above the door post for the death angle to see, and it would pass over their houses. Today it is the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe if we have accepted the blood of Jesus to our hearts, it will have an illuminate effect for the death angel to see. I know I will have many disagreements on this belief, but I'm standing firm on that belief. If evil is continued to be allowed it would destroy the whole world, and I do not believe that is God's way of destroying the world. God did not destroy Egypt for the evil ways they treated his chosen Israelite children. He punished them over, and over, but He let them survive all the suffering He put on them. The Israelite children were not punished along with the Egyptians. God has a way of knowing who the evil ones are. I am not trying to say many people will die during this virus crisis, but I wouldn't be surprised at it. I am 87 and may die anytime, but I know my God knows my heart, and it's His choice when He decides to take us to our eternal home.

I feel completely at peace, and so far I have not given up many of my many blessings. I am not expecting to in the future. However, I don't believe they are handed to me on a silver platter. I must earn them, but not saying I deserve anything. God is good, and will reward those who diligently seek, and trust Him. If we trust Him we are not going to do the things His Son, Jesus, taught us not to do. I know Jesus paid the price for our sins, but what receiver of such a mighty gift as this would fail to thank Him the rest of their life. One don't thank someone for something, then trample their blood under their feet. Only Satan would agree to that. If we are sure our sins have been forgiven, then that swab of blood will be visible for all to see. If this sounds like I'm judging I'm sorry. I'm just repeating a bible scripture that says, “by their fruits ye shall know them.” Think about that before you try to crucify me. The bad has grown to worse, the worse to evil, and the evil to God's Almighty court room. Are we capable of representing ourselves? If the blood has been applied, then we need no lawyer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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