Sunday, February 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Rally That Restored Hope"

Jean's Comment's: "A Rally That Restored Hope": The big jet landed right on target today in Bentonville, Arkansas. Hugh crowds awaited Donald Trump. 2-27-2016 Perryton, Texas. Donald T...

"A Rally That Restored Hope"

The big jet landed right on target today in Bentonville, Arkansas. Hugh crowds awaited Donald Trump. 2-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Donald Trump and Chris Christie. A great speech by both great men. God's blessings on them both. 2-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I laid in my bed all day today just resting from a stomach virus from yesterday. I was comfortably sitting up with large pillows to my back  watching for Donald Trump’s plane to roll in. The announcer was saying huge crowds were waiting and watching for his plane. Then he said the plane had been spotted. The crowd began to roar. I watched Donald Trump and Chris Christie walk down the steps from off the plane. I heard two wonderful, uplifting, encouraging speeches from these two giants. Donald spoke for a hole hour. Let me tell you I don’t like being around insulting people, but the way our world has become so stinking rotten I am proud to see someone now throwing fire on the chips. I want to see all of it go up in flames. I believe we have that miracle in Donald Trump. I am not saying I think he is perfect, as I know that no one is, but I am saying I believe he will put evil people back where they belong. “Hurry it on, Donald.”

I cannot say we will ever see peace on this earth again, but I am praying that we will. I have put legs to my prayers in every way I can because the word says faith without works is dead. I have written many blogs and made lots of comments on twitter and other internet spaces, and I believe my effort has not been in vain. I am positive I will be rewarded whether I ever see “America Great Again,” or not. After all if we shelter ourselves and our families with God’s word and promises we are a winner already. I’m just glad to have someone reaching out beyond their own family and helping others. “God bless you Donald Trump.” There is a huge army behind Mr. Trump that I think will over power the weak, and unwise, in whatever way it takes. Many surprises are waiting for those whom thought they knew it all.

We all know the battle of Armageddon is yet to be fought. Some might believe this war will be fought in the Middle East, but bible prophets tell us this battle will encompass the whole earth. Jeremiah 25:32-34  Ezekiel 39:17:20. I believe it has already got most of the earth covered. If this is the time that the Armageddon battle will soon become recognizable I believe even more that Donald Trump is our best hope. This war will be to end human ruler ship, and Jesus Christ will be present to lead a heavenly army to victory over God’s enemies. Does it not seem to you that human ruler ship is out of hand? How can it get much worse?  Maybe we haven’t seen nothing yet. God help us. If ever there was a time when we need to repent and make things right with God it is now. Its time to stop the jokes and get serious.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "What Did I See"

Jean's Comment's: "What Did I See": This jet looked like it was on fire. It went up into the clouds so quickly that I didn't see it again. 2-24-2016 Perryton, Texas. At...

"What Did I See"

This jet looked like it was on fire. It went up into the clouds so quickly that I didn't see it again. 2-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

At first I thought I was looking at a space ship when I saw an unusual looking thing in the sky today. Then zoom it was going straight up and it looked like it was on fire. Within seconds it was completely out of sight with not even any smoke trails visible. I had never seen anything like this before. I watched for some time thinking it would appear again, but it never showed up again. I was stunned at how low it seemed to the earth, and I believed it was not far from me. Mysteries happen every day, and I am always trying to solve one. It was a nice day without any clouds, but the air vessel went somewhere out of sight fast. I will be watching closely for some more of this strange subject.

I had lunch today at the Center. We had a great meal, and it was so nice to be visiting again with friends. I have missed a lot of days at the Center since Rick has been with me. I brought his lunch home to him today. I always learn something about things I have missed. With so many people attending these lunch buffets, one can hear a lot both good, not so good, and sometimes hilarious. It is always an hour of fun and relaxation. The pleasure seems to follow me the rest of the day. I even baked a cake today that I had been putting off for several days. It turned out better than ever before. That was after I saw the aliens flying over my yard.

Back to the space craft, I think I was quick to identify the space aircraft today after just yesterday reading about China building the world’s largest space telescope to check on outer space aliens. The Chinese government evicted 9,100 people from their homes so they could build this giant telescope and operate it. The reason is to search for aliens from outer space. This announcement from China made me to wonder if my theory about aliens might be more than just a theory. My book, “Above or Below” is a story about outer space aliens residing in a secluded mountainous area in Colorado. The book is fiction, but somehow I believe a lot of it is true. It just can’t be proven. I wonder if the Chinese government read my book, and believed it. I hope so. It really is an interesting book, and if anyone wants to read it they can purchase it through It can also be ordered by calling I-888-795-4274. Author Myrtle Jean Sharp. I have to believe if this story hasn’t happened yet, it will happen soon. Hopefully the Chinese will get to the bottom of the mystery. It sounds like they are on to something big. If they contact me I can give them some good theories. Like Donald Trump said China has some very smart people. I put my dollar on them to discover something very big and important, but it will all be kept secret by them.  We need Donald Trump to deal with these intelligent people. They are apt to leave us in shock one of these days.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Love Those Buds"

Jean's Comment's: "Love Those Buds": So happy to see the trees all budding out today. Just a few says and my yard will become a green meadow. 2-22-2016 Perryton, Texas. In a...

"Love Those Buds"

So happy to see the trees all budding out today. Just a few says and my yard will become a green meadow. 2-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

In all reality it has been a short, mild winter. That is if we don’t have more left to come. The past few days have been so nice, and everything is budding out fast. The work mood hasn’t struck me yet, but hopefully it will soon. There is much to do. The lawn service man will do the mowing and trimming, but I have to do the raking and cleaning the flower beds before the lawn gets mowed. I will also have to spread the fertilize and water. Then there’s trimming shrubs, trees, and hoeing out weeds in the garden. So thankful that I can still do this work.

Almost every day I hear some news that makes me sad, but then I have to remember that life is just that way. What was accomplished by some hard work, and made to become a little heaven for some friends of mine, have suddenly fallen a part. The proud owners are no longer here to shine the lights on exciting features inside, and outside, of their home. They were not  thinking of leaving so soon, but for some reason they were uprooted quickly. No accident, just natural causes. The mistress was stricken by a stroke and passed away within one week. Today I learned her husband is having to leave the home also due to health reasons. No one else can ever make that place look like the past dwellers. They made the place, and the place made them. This little story is synopsis of what we hear almost every day. “Here today, and gone tomorrow.” 

We all are living to the best of our understanding. It’s just that sometimes we don’t understand correctly. We attempt to solve the problem without hearing the entire explanation. So many times we refuse to turn on the light to see the whole situation better. We end up living in days of depression and self-pity refusing still to turn on the light. Most of us could use more of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. There are nine of them found in Galatians  5:22-23. Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Without these spiritual attributes a person can be very cruel. I pray daily that I may retain these fruits, and use them fully. I realize that without daily prayer no one can possess these Godly gifts. Often times a barrier can come between people who love each other dearly. It takes both parties to remove the hindrance. Many times one won’t let go causing the barrier to remain till death. It is unlikely that the keeper of such shameful act died a peaceful death. I have witnessed death bed bridges before. It is a wonderful experience, but such a shame the bridge had to wait so long to be built. Life is hard at best, but we can make it better if we strive to do God’s will, and discipline our own selves daily. After the tears we always feel better.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Cooking And Looking"

Jean's Comment's: "Cooking And Looking":                      The late evening, white moon is smiling at me. 2-18-2016 Perryton, Texas. This moon does have facial expressions,...

"Cooking And Looking"

                     The late evening, white moon is smiling at me. 2-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This moon does have facial expressions, believe me. I was needing a friendly smile today when I looked up and saw this moon. If a double click is made you can see the features of a friendly moon. Anyway it lifted my spirits while I was cooking steak outside on the grill. The evening was very nice, just a little windy. I also made hot rolls, and a loaf of bread. The boys and I did enjoy our dinner.  I had steak left over so meat for tomorrow is waiting in the frig.

I enjoyed a long conversation today with a friend in another city. We mostly talked about politics, since it seems like that is about all we can hear on the TV. I hope I can live till November just so I can see the end of this long, exciting novel. I don’t know what I will do for pass time after that. Probably will be praying for safety for myself and my family. I just don’t feel like it is going to be very smooth sailing from now on. I can already tell that my faith is being tested more and more each day. But the Lord said He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. That is a great heap of faith to fight for also. We have to keep remembering those words. I am more thankful every day for the peace and comfort of my home. I have two of my sons with me again just like when they were growing up. Sometimes I still see the “little boy” in them. I have another son, and a daughter that I wish I could have back with me also. They are younger, and when they retire maybe I can be close to them. The grand children are all busy making a life of their own. I am sure I won’t live till they retire, but I hold them up before God each night and ask Him to bless them. I am so proud of my family and thank God for each and everyone of them.

I do feel bad tonight when I think about tearing up a would-be-mother rabbit’s delivery room today. She had formed a hole down in the asparagus  stalks that I failed to cut down this past fall. She ran away when I got close to the bed, but I had to cut down the old stalks and get ready for new growth. I saw that she hadn’t had her babies yet, but she will definitely have to find another place to deliver. And I think I have it hard sometimes! It is even the little animals around me, along with the sun, and the moon that gives me courage to keep going on. We are all God’s creation, and He supplies are every need. I have another story to tell about a young bird that got trapped in my patio this week, but I will tell it later.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Walking Miracle"

Jean's Comment's: "A Walking Miracle": Rick Sharp getting ready to leave for a Dr. appt. in Amarillo, Texas. 2-17-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have posted a picture of my son, Rick, ...

"A Walking Miracle"

Rick Sharp getting ready to leave for a Dr. appt. in Amarillo, Texas. 2-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I have posted a picture of my son, Rick, three months after the doctor told me there was nothing else they could do for him, and I could take him home. This was one day after the doctor told me I couldn’t take him home, because he needed to see a doctor every day. After the rehab searched for two days to find a place to put Rick with no success, the doctor said, “take him home, we can’t do anything else for him. The 6’1’’, 165 pound normal weight frame, had fallen to 120 pounds. He didn’t have enough strength to turn himself over in bed. Two nurses managed to get him in the back seat of my car lying him down on the seat. He was quiet all the 130 miles home, and I wondered if he would be alive when we arrived. My oldest son, Chuck, was waiting at my house with a wheel chair to help get him in the house. We had refused help, and wanted to do it all by ourselves. I am thankful for the help of God when lifting, and tugging on a near lifeless body. We got him in the wheelchair, and lifted the entire chair up three steps on the porch. I was still recovering from a badly sprained back from lifting on him before. My problem also was helped greatly by God’s mercy. I was able to endure pain, both physically, and mentally, while I promised God to do His will. I asked God to help me to help Rick to recover if it be His will. Rick had refused food for over three weeks. He only wanted to sleep all the time. Home health  nurses had been arranged by the doctor to come to the house to help me, but I refused. I wanted to be alone with him when he passed on. I had Chuck to help me, and I knew God would help me with the more serious problems. Example, God made Rick open his mouth when I offered him a teaspoon full of ensure. At first I could get only two to three spoonfuls down, but little by little he started taking more. Then shortly I realized God was wanting to heal him. Rick’s attitude changed, and he began to show strength that I thought was impossible. The nightmare ended within a week. I was able to sleep in my own bed, and know that Rick would be alright. His mind had returned to normal, and he knew what he could do, and what he couldn’t. He did some amazing things with those bones.

This time of recovering has happened after nearly two months of previous hospitalization with serious issues. Some members of my family disowned me for not leaving Rick to die alone. They told me to take care of it by myself. They did not know that God was not going to disown me. I was blessed with some family members, and friends who were so loving and kind to me. At this time Rick has a positive outlook on life, and is doing very well. I don’t know what the future holds for him, but neither does anyone know what their future holds. At this time I am also strong, and have a positive outlook on life, but only God knows my future. I am on this planet for His service only. Whatever He has for me to do, I will accept without regret. I give this testimony for one reason only. Never give up on God, for He will never give up on you. “Not my will, but Thine be done.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Greater Than Life Its Self Is The Will Of God"

Jean's Comment's: "Greater Than Life Its Self Is The Will Of God": A little hard to see, but many jets were traveling the skies this morning under this gorgeous sun. The sky was full of white streaks from ...

"Greater Than Life Its Self Is The Will Of God"

A little hard to see, but many jets were traveling the skies this morning under this gorgeous sun. The sky was full of white streaks from jets. 2-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A sign of “hurry, hurry, we must get there quickly” was evident this morning when I looked up and saw jet streaks going across the sky in droves. I believe something bigger, and more serious is happening that most people would not aspire to. Their thought is, “we will cross that bridge when we get there.”  Of course there is not a lot any of us little people can do to stop the out-of-control evil that has filled our Great America, but even a word or two of warning sent by means of internet, postal service, word by mouth in public places, and of course running away from the very appearance of evil can speak volumes. I want to be counted as one of those who did everything in their power to stand up for American principal’s. I applaud those who are letting their name be used to expose a crime that could bring them death also. Many good American’s have died trying to live honest, and expose those who are not. The heart-stopper pill, or a pinch of crystal  is becoming more and more popular among those who have learned the secret to destroy a powerful individual of justice. There is an old saying, “the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn.”
I am praying for you, brother, and sister, who are using every ounce of wisdom you can gather to bring to justice those who are part of the evil army trying to destroy America. You do not know me or many others like me, but never doubt that your God, and our God is hearing every word going up in your behalf. Your reward is set in stone in earth, and in heaven. Millions of prayer warriors are worth more than trillions of evil doers. With the natural eye America looks very weak, and overshadowed by evil, but there is one waiting in the balance who can uncover the mountains of dirt and trash and make the wind so strong that nothing sleazy will remain. I hope this miraculous one can be put in place before many more good people have to die however, that may not be possible. God is in control, and whatever He wills is the perfect victory for American, the Christian nation ordained by His Great power.

I believe God is speaking giving one more chance to those whom have failed Him, and have even helped the enemy to gain more control of our country. I also believe this is the last chance for many. Either wake up, or be condemned forever more. God is a just God, and He has given everyone a second chance; But He is also a God of anger and will not be mocked for long.

No doubt the jets were doing business as usual this morning, but the business has doubled, and for some reason it is becoming obvious.  Men and women are running to and fro trying to hold onto a weakened country, and restore its greatness. Will you be a help, and join them in taking the American flag everywhere you go? 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's:      A touch of beauty in the sky. A scene from my...

Jean's Comment's:      A touch of beauty in the sky. A scene from my...:      A touch of beauty in the sky. A scene from my back yard. 2-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.           Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus and H...
     A touch of beauty in the sky. A scene from my back yard. 2-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.          
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus and His beauty. 2-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A last minute glimpse of the sun setting finished my good day. This valentine day has made me happy. I saw so many different ones buying live flowers for their special ones when I went to the grocery store this evening. The smiles on their faces made me recognize the importance a loved one meant to them. I had to smile too at the love pouring from those hearts. The stores floral nursery was greatly expanded this year, I didn’t know why, but it seemed as if everyone was buying flowers. I never saw much candy floating around. I was especially impressed when I saw young boys carrying out big bouquets making every step fast and joyful. I wanted to go and hug them for their sweetness to their girl friends. I, myself was thinking of the many times my husband gave me flowers or candy for valentine day. Those are times that will never be forgotten. I don’t believe a man ever loved his wife more than mine loved me. Yet I know he was not perfect. I thank God for the 63 years I had with my husband.

Then there were the sad times during the day when I felt so guilty for not showing more love to those whom are still with me now. Most are many miles away, but I could show more love if I tried. Too many are the excuses that do nothing but make us cry. One of my greatest desires is to be more open with my love to others. I know if a dog bites you its hard to give them a pat and say, “I love you,” but I believe that is what God told us to do. Our loved ones are not our enemies. They are our heartbeat. If God told us to love our enemies, how much more are we suppose to love those that love us, even though they don’t always act like it? None of us can ever lose that love once its made. We just have to fight and hurt in every way possible trying to show we are right and they are wrong. “God forbid.” That is a sin that has been around forever, and will remain until we are taken out of these old mortal bodies and transported to heaven. Can anyone imagine the feeling of having no more anger or vengeance against anyone who has wronged us. What a wonderful place heaven must be. I know we all have to uphold our respectable places in life. We cannot be slammed against disgraceful, untruthful, walls like mud balls, but neither can we stop that kind of hatred by removing ourselves from their sight. We must each and everyone of us pray daily for a miracle of forgiveness, and forgetfulness, for ourselves and for others. A miracle it must be, because we are still in the flesh and the flesh is weak. “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Lucky Days Do Happen Sometimes"

Jean's Comment's: "Lucky Days Do Happen Sometimes": The half-moon is already shinning this beautiful evening.  Sun hasn't set yet. 2-11-2016 Perryton, Texas. Have to love this nice day...

"Lucky Days Do Happen Sometimes"

The half-moon is already shinning this beautiful evening.  Sun hasn't set yet. 2-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Have to love this nice day. It was warm and still. Now the sun is fixing to go down. Lovely day. 2-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today was a nice day to shop. I stocked up on several things I have been without for some time. I wish all the rest of winter would be like today. It is still five weeks before the first day of spring. I was in a much better mood today than yesterday. I don’t really know why, but it just seemed like yesterday was a day of gloom. I found fault with everyone, and everything. I prayed before I went to bed last night that today would be better, and thank God He answered my prayer. Everything I looked at seemed beautiful. I can’t wait till tomorrow so I can continue on with this good feeling of getting a lot of things done. Good days like today go by too fast. I am already planning on going shopping again tomorrow. One or two things I saw today that I wanted, but didn’t buy I have now decided I will go back and get them. That should complete my spring shopping for awhile. I am excited to the extent I may not sleep well. How brave I am going to be when I turn lose of the money I didn’t want to spend today. It will be worth it. I just needed to add something to my ward-robe.

As I write this blog I am listening to Megan Kelly on FOX News. She is reporting that the GOP is changing the rules for their nominating process this year. I feel sure they will try every trick in the book to keep Donald Trump from becoming the nominee. Every day the political rhetoric is getting more boring, and the time is yet far away from a nominee. I would not be surprised at anything that might happen. Money is fighting money in a torpedo-like gush. Hell occupies most of the earth’s surface.  It isn’t easy for anyone to live within the bounds of such evil environment, but with the help of God we can survive. I believe I need to shop more and watch less of FOX News. However, I would be an uninformed guest at every meeting I attended, since there seems to be nothing but concern for America’s future. Each one of our lives is at risk later, if not sooner. Death is meant for us all in some way or another, but we would like to choose our own method. By faith I believe we can have that wish granted us. That’s why I listen, talk, share, think, and pray every minute of my life. When life’s battle is over I know a wonderful place is waiting for us. I hope I can say I have run a good race, and fought a good fight. “Keep me true dear Lord, keep me true.” I am sending a kiss out to every one who is reading this blog. I love you all with all my heart. Good night, and keep on believing in God, and Jesus Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Mr And Mrs Donald Trump"

Jean's Comment's: "Mr And Mrs Donald Trump": I am beginning to like my own portrait of Donald Trump more and more. He is a winner. 2-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. Melania Trump. Donald&#...

"Mr And Mrs Donald Trump"

I am beginning to like my own portrait of Donald Trump more and more. He is a winner. 2-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Melania Trump. Donald's wife. This is also my own portrait and she gets prettier every day. 2-10-2016 Perryton, Texas

I for one am happy about the turn-out, and the results in last nights primaries for New Hampshire. My pick for the presidential candidate, Donald Trump, scored a great victory. The USA is spinning around like a top trying to get the right person in the White House while we still have one. Mean man, Donald Trump, is all fired up and ready to blast away anything that gets in his way of “making America great again.” I believe he knows how to do it, and I think he is going to get that chance. Donald loves America, and all the good and honest people that live here. He is against robbers, and free-loaders, trying to take our freedom away from us. He welcomes all who are honest, and will keep our laws like we know them. Those who want to change this nation to be like a lot of other evil countries, Donald says “NO WAY.”  I agree with him 100%. Even if some are here legally, and some even born in America, I say stick to our Christian principles, and honor our constitution, or be deported out with the other rebels. Presidents included. We in America have no place for pussyfoots. Either stand up and be counted, or shut up and be dammed.

Melania Trump will be a great first lady. She shows her positive good manners in a way that few can do. She is a woman, and she wants everyone to know that. She lets it be known in more ways than one. She does not try to take a man’s place in his power to defend America. She will do her princess, wifely job, and do it well. She will not try to wear the shoes her husband trodes in. Many first ladies cannot truthfully boast of that. I am proud to see Melania Trump looking, and acting like the woman God created from the rib of a man. She is beautiful because her beauty is coming from her heart. She is a woman, and she certainly identifies herself as one.

Its time for every male and female to identify themselves also. Its time to look and act like your body was formed to be. This game of playing man and wife of the same sex is only for preschoolers. Its time for some of you to start to school. The truth is many don’t want to accept the duty of their true sex, making a mockery out of God. That is everyone’s own  prerogative, but please don’t try and change mine by changing our constitution that was formed by God-fearing, and God-abiding founders. No matter who you are, or who you may want to protect. If your personal choices,  show other than the intended purpose of man and wife, as described in God’s Word, all are guilty of rebuking His decision to make a man in His own image, and adding a wife to make him happy and bear him children. Poor, pitiful, deceived creatures. Your reward is just as real as those who kept their birthrights, and turned not away from their intended purpose in life. I am not saying this to say some are perfect. There is no perfect person on this earth, but sin is measured by the same gauges. God does not make mistakes. He will give us what we deserve, even though He loves us all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Super Bowl Or Super Blow"

Jean's Comment's: "Super Bowl Or Super Blow":  Rick is comfortably watching the Super Bowl game. Go Bronc's go! 2-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.                Denver scoring the first...

"Super Bowl Or Super Blow"

 Rick is comfortably watching the Super Bowl game. Go Bronc's go! 2-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.       
        Denver scoring the first touchdown. Makes the score 10 to 0.  2-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Rick and I are watching the Super Bowl game .We are happy that Denver has already scored 10 points in the first quarter. Next to watching the game of politics this is the best. We had our popcorn and coke so the perfect sitting for a good game is in order. A box of chocolate candy is within Rick’s reach. There are other snacks ready if the game last extra long. This evenings excitement will tide me over till Tuesday when the New Hampshire primaries begin. I am more interested in that than the Super Bowl. It is much more important than a football game. If the right person don’t get put in the White House next year we may never see another football game.  My next-door neighbors just walked down the sidewalk past my window. They must be going to my next-door neighbors on the other side of me to watch the game. I am assuming their church dismissed services tonight for the game. The church I attend never has services on Sunday night.

I have to make a comment on Barbara Bush, mother of presidential candidate, Jeb Bush. When I saw her moving through snow on the ground this week with the help of a walker, I was flabbergasted. Snow was covering her ninety year old body, and I had to stop and wonder just what she thought she could accomplish. I’m sure I have a lot to learn yet, but I didn’t learn anything from this mother’s painful effort to help her son get nominated. I’m not condemning her for this, but who would allow her to do such a thing under these conditions, especially her son? Can this be real? I have always admired the Bushes, but I have to wonder sometimes about them. I label them as too nice, and a little too naïve’ to be presidents of America. I consider a president a person willing to fight whatever conflict may arise in order to protect the people, but not to bully. That cannot be accomplished if nice, polite, and easy-going rules the leader. No one likes mean spirited persons, but God said we would have to fight many battles on this earth. He told us the battle is not ours if we would put our trust in Him. But for those who think they can win a battle by being nice, and turning the other cheek, you are dead wrong. If we are to this point, then let it happen without delay. A weak, and insecure person should not be given the job of  kill or be killed. That may sound morbid to some, and it is, but I believe that for sure this is the state of our nation at this time. Is anyone out there nice enough to sweet-talk our enemies out of cutting our throats? They mean business, and America better began to mean business also. Come on people can’t you see the writing on the wall? Get real and put a business minded person in the oval office. No more playing politics. The fight is on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Sweeping And Cleaning My Life"

Jean's Comment's: "Sweeping And Cleaning My Life": The beautiful blue sky is making a nice background for my pine tree. As you can see it is loaded with pine cones. 2-6-2016 Perryton, Texas...

"Sweeping And Cleaning My Life"

The beautiful blue sky is making a nice background for my pine tree. As you can see it is loaded with pine cones. 2-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The birds were flapping their wings this afternoon so fast I only managed to get one picture of them. Several were in the pine tree, but they don't show up. 2-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I feel spring in the air already. I took a walk through the yard discovering several green sprigs coming through the ground. The birds were dashing in and out of my camera view so fast I couldn’t get but one picture. The excitement the birds gave me a push right to the broom and dust pan. I swept and cleaned the patio. I also cleaned the charcoal grill and will be cooking out soon. Hurrah! I made it through another ugly winter. Needless to say I have much hard yard work awaiting me. Rick is now able to help me, and that I am so thankful for. He escaped hospice care by a hair’s space. The doctor said find a place to take him as soon as possible. The rehab personal was unable to find a place that would take him. By faith I brought him home, and fed him Ensure with a teaspoon until he gradually began to gain some strength. I took him to Amarillo last Wednesday to see two different doctors for blood tests and an MRI. Both results came out positive, which seemed to puzzle the doctors. He was taken off two of his medications. They requested to see him again in two weeks. They just can’t accept the  clean results they are getting from these tests. Rick and I know why he has gained weight, and is now eating like a horse. His appetite can’t be measured. He seems to never get full. He now seems happy, and eager to get going  Yes, I had an extra hard winter, but somehow I did get through it. I spent 25 days of the winter in a motel room visiting Rick every day. The love of family and friends were poured out upon us, and I am glad to say once again God healed my sweet son. This was the second time he was brought back from the grave. Surely there is something more for him to do before he leaves us for good.

We are open to whatever God leads us to do. I don’t even try to foresee it. I am happy and content, but could change my routine in a minute if God wills. I will not say I’m going back where I left off, because that is not for me to decide. I am thankful for every minute of my life, be it pain or pain-free. Either way I will give God the glory for helping me endure. Jesus endured, and so can I. I will keep believing there are greater blessings ahead. I live with that thought each day. I have a dream also, but it has no pattern. Whatever becomes of the attempted cut-out , if that happens, will be proudly accepted by me. I am sure there is something different going to happen in my life. Just wish I knew what it is. Like a child, I am excited.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 5, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Love My Comfortable Bed"

Jean's Comment's: "I Love My Comfortable Bed": Just can't let the sun go down without saying, "see you in the morning." 2-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.                    A di...

"I Love My Comfortable Bed"

Just can't let the sun go down without saying, "see you in the morning." 2-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                   A different view of the sinking sun taken at the same time. 2-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am usually up by day break in the mornings. I watch the sun come up every morning except when the clouds have it covered. I see it go down every evening except for same reason. The hours between these two events can sometimes seem long. I am a light sleeper, and cannot sleep over four or five hours a night. And that is not all at one time. I never get out of bed except for a bathroom visit, so I have a lot of hours to rest and  meditate. So many thoughts come to me that I want to remember and write them the next day, but somehow everyone of them are gone when I get up. I will not allow myself to get up and write, because I need the rest, and any sleep I can possibly get. I assume God doesn’t want me to write some of the things that I think are important. Maybe they were for me personally, and not to be shared by others. I would much rather sleep all night than write a mental letter that I never get transcribed. So I work with the daylight hours as much as possible, and use pictures to help get my point across. Some day I believe I will be able to describe my inner emotions in a way that people can understand, but will never know the real feeling I live with. I am sure everyone can relate to this “human thing” in some way, but I wonder if ever another person has experienced the same unhealing wounds that penetrate my soul. I am one of the most happy, sorrowful, and contented persons that God has created, but I cannot explain that feeling. I know that I am a worthless sinner saved by grace, but I feel so blessed to be visited daily by the Holy Spirit constantly giving me faith and confidence in myself. I say myself, because I am the one still here on earth trying to be the best servant of God that I can possibly be. I live by faith and not by works. I have a God-given duty to help others be the same. An effort is all it takes. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. How easier can it get? The hardest part is dying to our own selfish ways, and give our best to others. That takes the love of Jesus, and everyone needs that kind of love. Its free, just ask for it. I can’t explain how we are suppose to condemn some things in life, but Jesus did that. If we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we will be guided by Him. As long as we know we are yielded to the Spirit, we cannot be too far from right, no matter who may try to rebuke us. We must hold firm to our own conscience, but we must also love and pray for those who do not trust us. Spiritual blindness is the worse kind. One cannot read by braille if they are spiritually blind. They remain in the dark if they refuse to hear God’s word. I cannot think of anything more sad than seeing someone who is spiritually blind.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Making A Way To Be Part Of Picking Up Pieces"

Jean's Comment's: "Making A Way To Be Part Of Picking Up Pieces":            The comfort of my living room is showing in many ways. 2-4-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have to tell you how blessed I am to be ab...

"Making A Way To Be Part Of Picking Up Pieces"

           The comfort of my living room is showing in many ways. 2-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have to tell you how blessed I am to be able to sit in the comfort of my own living room, and be able to campaign for the candidates that I have confidence in.  I spend several hours each day sending out encouraging comments to the candidates who are trying hard to bring back America from the brink of ruins. My computer is the most valuable tangible possession I have. It lets me feel right in the main stream of the political pillows that are still supporting our country. The weakest structured of these pillows, and the cause of the deterioration to them, have to be removed. Without the strength God gives to those who trust and believe in Him, It would be impossible to restore and win back His respect from a very sinful nation. It can be done, and it will be done, but rest assured, no person who fought against the plan of God, will be forgotten even though they repent. Judas did repent of selling Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, but he couldn’t escape the consequences of his sin. He went out and hung his own self. I do not want to be a Judas, but if I fail to admit that I am just as vulnerable as he was, then I too could be another Judas. I believe this is a time when only full-fledged voters, who will be deciding on the leader of America, must be true believers of God and country, and not wishy-washers. Changing their minds every time they hear a new,(lie), call it whatever you may,  without confirming it. It is a lie without a factual statement from a registered news organization. However, even CNN is a registered news media. And look at the lie they put out to the voters who were waiting their turn to vote for their candidate at the Iowa Caucus.  Some had to switch to another candidate after hearing this lie. Some people fail to look at the past performance of News Channels. How trustworthy are those who do not give full attention to what’s being reported by the news media?  Like I have tried to explain it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong about their candidate, but the wrong will suffer for their mistakes more than those who tried to keep them from happening. I trust God will give America another chance and let Donald Trump make America Great again. Its in His hands now, and although He expects His people to do their part, He will be the deciding factor. Yes, for sure your vote, whether right or wrong, or whether you fail to vote at all, will be counted at the end of your journey. You can’t skip this one and expect to pass, just the same as you can’t pass if you fail to listen to the right voice when trying to decide which way to vote. The teachers work hard to educate their students. Have we been good listeners?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Round One Is Over"

Jean's Comment's: "Round One Is Over": Tonight Donald Trump failed to win the Iowa Caucuses trailing Ted Cruz by four points. He was second place winner with Marco Rubio just o...

"Round One Is Over"

Tonight Donald Trump failed to win the Iowa Caucuses trailing Ted Cruz by four points. He was second place winner with Marco Rubio just one point behind him. This came as a surprise to many people including several high ranking politicians and well known celebrities who had endorsed  Donald. I believe I was awakened to the reason this happened. Everyone knows that what made Donald Trump so popular among the American people was the fact that he was an outsider, and everyone was fed up with the Washington elite. There seemed to be no excuse for the elected congress persons to let our country become a pile of rubble. For seven years they sit by and let the President veto their bills, and use his own executive power, unconstitutionally,  to dictate to the American people. To most people the hope of restoring our nation, and bringing back liberty and justice for all, was all but gone. Donald Trump sprung up with a great enthusiastic voice that quickly brought people back to life. He said all the things that everyone was thinking, but didn’t have the nerve to say. He showed no fear nor favor to anyone. He was an outsider who wasn’t going to be bought off by anyone. A rarity that most people never knew existed. He remained in the lead with almost all polls even going into tonight’s Iowa Caucuses. What happened?

Last night on the eve of the Iowa Caucuses former Senator, Bob Dole, (R-KS), the 1996 Republican presidential nominee appeared on a special edition of Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” criticizing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Dole ripped Cruz for being “an extreme Conservative” and argued Cruz would shut down the government given the opportunity. Dole said no one in the Senate likes Cruz.  He called Cruz a RINO.

When Cruz won the Iowa Caucuses tonight I was pronged with this thought. Quote, “No one in the Senate likes Cruz.” Sounds as if Cruz was a lone ranger in the Senate. Isn’t that what people were saying when they were backing Trump? They didn’t like anyone in the Senate. The Senate failed the American people. Only Cruz stood up to them and argued. Well I have to agree with former Senator Bob Dole. I don’t believe Ted Cruz will be able to accomplish any more as President than he did as Senator. He is a good man, but it will take a mean person to fight this giant America is facing now. Nice is no longer in the scope. Come on, lets get Donald Trump in the White House as quick as we can. He is the giant we need now, not later. As far Rubio, he tried to be a Senator without attending the meetings. What a joke! Is there enough people left in America who can still see the light at the end of the tunnel? I still have enough faith in America to believe there are enough people to elect Donald Trump as the next President.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp