Monday, February 22, 2016

"Love Those Buds"

So happy to see the trees all budding out today. Just a few says and my yard will become a green meadow. 2-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

In all reality it has been a short, mild winter. That is if we don’t have more left to come. The past few days have been so nice, and everything is budding out fast. The work mood hasn’t struck me yet, but hopefully it will soon. There is much to do. The lawn service man will do the mowing and trimming, but I have to do the raking and cleaning the flower beds before the lawn gets mowed. I will also have to spread the fertilize and water. Then there’s trimming shrubs, trees, and hoeing out weeds in the garden. So thankful that I can still do this work.

Almost every day I hear some news that makes me sad, but then I have to remember that life is just that way. What was accomplished by some hard work, and made to become a little heaven for some friends of mine, have suddenly fallen a part. The proud owners are no longer here to shine the lights on exciting features inside, and outside, of their home. They were not  thinking of leaving so soon, but for some reason they were uprooted quickly. No accident, just natural causes. The mistress was stricken by a stroke and passed away within one week. Today I learned her husband is having to leave the home also due to health reasons. No one else can ever make that place look like the past dwellers. They made the place, and the place made them. This little story is synopsis of what we hear almost every day. “Here today, and gone tomorrow.” 

We all are living to the best of our understanding. It’s just that sometimes we don’t understand correctly. We attempt to solve the problem without hearing the entire explanation. So many times we refuse to turn on the light to see the whole situation better. We end up living in days of depression and self-pity refusing still to turn on the light. Most of us could use more of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. There are nine of them found in Galatians  5:22-23. Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Without these spiritual attributes a person can be very cruel. I pray daily that I may retain these fruits, and use them fully. I realize that without daily prayer no one can possess these Godly gifts. Often times a barrier can come between people who love each other dearly. It takes both parties to remove the hindrance. Many times one won’t let go causing the barrier to remain till death. It is unlikely that the keeper of such shameful act died a peaceful death. I have witnessed death bed bridges before. It is a wonderful experience, but such a shame the bridge had to wait so long to be built. Life is hard at best, but we can make it better if we strive to do God’s will, and discipline our own selves daily. After the tears we always feel better.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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