Saturday, February 6, 2016

"Sweeping And Cleaning My Life"

The beautiful blue sky is making a nice background for my pine tree. As you can see it is loaded with pine cones. 2-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The birds were flapping their wings this afternoon so fast I only managed to get one picture of them. Several were in the pine tree, but they don't show up. 2-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I feel spring in the air already. I took a walk through the yard discovering several green sprigs coming through the ground. The birds were dashing in and out of my camera view so fast I couldn’t get but one picture. The excitement the birds gave me a push right to the broom and dust pan. I swept and cleaned the patio. I also cleaned the charcoal grill and will be cooking out soon. Hurrah! I made it through another ugly winter. Needless to say I have much hard yard work awaiting me. Rick is now able to help me, and that I am so thankful for. He escaped hospice care by a hair’s space. The doctor said find a place to take him as soon as possible. The rehab personal was unable to find a place that would take him. By faith I brought him home, and fed him Ensure with a teaspoon until he gradually began to gain some strength. I took him to Amarillo last Wednesday to see two different doctors for blood tests and an MRI. Both results came out positive, which seemed to puzzle the doctors. He was taken off two of his medications. They requested to see him again in two weeks. They just can’t accept the  clean results they are getting from these tests. Rick and I know why he has gained weight, and is now eating like a horse. His appetite can’t be measured. He seems to never get full. He now seems happy, and eager to get going  Yes, I had an extra hard winter, but somehow I did get through it. I spent 25 days of the winter in a motel room visiting Rick every day. The love of family and friends were poured out upon us, and I am glad to say once again God healed my sweet son. This was the second time he was brought back from the grave. Surely there is something more for him to do before he leaves us for good.

We are open to whatever God leads us to do. I don’t even try to foresee it. I am happy and content, but could change my routine in a minute if God wills. I will not say I’m going back where I left off, because that is not for me to decide. I am thankful for every minute of my life, be it pain or pain-free. Either way I will give God the glory for helping me endure. Jesus endured, and so can I. I will keep believing there are greater blessings ahead. I live with that thought each day. I have a dream also, but it has no pattern. Whatever becomes of the attempted cut-out , if that happens, will be proudly accepted by me. I am sure there is something different going to happen in my life. Just wish I knew what it is. Like a child, I am excited.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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