Sunday, February 7, 2016

"Super Bowl Or Super Blow"

 Rick is comfortably watching the Super Bowl game. Go Bronc's go! 2-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.       
        Denver scoring the first touchdown. Makes the score 10 to 0.  2-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Rick and I are watching the Super Bowl game .We are happy that Denver has already scored 10 points in the first quarter. Next to watching the game of politics this is the best. We had our popcorn and coke so the perfect sitting for a good game is in order. A box of chocolate candy is within Rick’s reach. There are other snacks ready if the game last extra long. This evenings excitement will tide me over till Tuesday when the New Hampshire primaries begin. I am more interested in that than the Super Bowl. It is much more important than a football game. If the right person don’t get put in the White House next year we may never see another football game.  My next-door neighbors just walked down the sidewalk past my window. They must be going to my next-door neighbors on the other side of me to watch the game. I am assuming their church dismissed services tonight for the game. The church I attend never has services on Sunday night.

I have to make a comment on Barbara Bush, mother of presidential candidate, Jeb Bush. When I saw her moving through snow on the ground this week with the help of a walker, I was flabbergasted. Snow was covering her ninety year old body, and I had to stop and wonder just what she thought she could accomplish. I’m sure I have a lot to learn yet, but I didn’t learn anything from this mother’s painful effort to help her son get nominated. I’m not condemning her for this, but who would allow her to do such a thing under these conditions, especially her son? Can this be real? I have always admired the Bushes, but I have to wonder sometimes about them. I label them as too nice, and a little too naïve’ to be presidents of America. I consider a president a person willing to fight whatever conflict may arise in order to protect the people, but not to bully. That cannot be accomplished if nice, polite, and easy-going rules the leader. No one likes mean spirited persons, but God said we would have to fight many battles on this earth. He told us the battle is not ours if we would put our trust in Him. But for those who think they can win a battle by being nice, and turning the other cheek, you are dead wrong. If we are to this point, then let it happen without delay. A weak, and insecure person should not be given the job of  kill or be killed. That may sound morbid to some, and it is, but I believe that for sure this is the state of our nation at this time. Is anyone out there nice enough to sweet-talk our enemies out of cutting our throats? They mean business, and America better began to mean business also. Come on people can’t you see the writing on the wall? Get real and put a business minded person in the oval office. No more playing politics. The fight is on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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