Monday, February 1, 2016

"Round One Is Over"

Tonight Donald Trump failed to win the Iowa Caucuses trailing Ted Cruz by four points. He was second place winner with Marco Rubio just one point behind him. This came as a surprise to many people including several high ranking politicians and well known celebrities who had endorsed  Donald. I believe I was awakened to the reason this happened. Everyone knows that what made Donald Trump so popular among the American people was the fact that he was an outsider, and everyone was fed up with the Washington elite. There seemed to be no excuse for the elected congress persons to let our country become a pile of rubble. For seven years they sit by and let the President veto their bills, and use his own executive power, unconstitutionally,  to dictate to the American people. To most people the hope of restoring our nation, and bringing back liberty and justice for all, was all but gone. Donald Trump sprung up with a great enthusiastic voice that quickly brought people back to life. He said all the things that everyone was thinking, but didn’t have the nerve to say. He showed no fear nor favor to anyone. He was an outsider who wasn’t going to be bought off by anyone. A rarity that most people never knew existed. He remained in the lead with almost all polls even going into tonight’s Iowa Caucuses. What happened?

Last night on the eve of the Iowa Caucuses former Senator, Bob Dole, (R-KS), the 1996 Republican presidential nominee appeared on a special edition of Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” criticizing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Dole ripped Cruz for being “an extreme Conservative” and argued Cruz would shut down the government given the opportunity. Dole said no one in the Senate likes Cruz.  He called Cruz a RINO.

When Cruz won the Iowa Caucuses tonight I was pronged with this thought. Quote, “No one in the Senate likes Cruz.” Sounds as if Cruz was a lone ranger in the Senate. Isn’t that what people were saying when they were backing Trump? They didn’t like anyone in the Senate. The Senate failed the American people. Only Cruz stood up to them and argued. Well I have to agree with former Senator Bob Dole. I don’t believe Ted Cruz will be able to accomplish any more as President than he did as Senator. He is a good man, but it will take a mean person to fight this giant America is facing now. Nice is no longer in the scope. Come on, lets get Donald Trump in the White House as quick as we can. He is the giant we need now, not later. As far Rubio, he tried to be a Senator without attending the meetings. What a joke! Is there enough people left in America who can still see the light at the end of the tunnel? I still have enough faith in America to believe there are enough people to elect Donald Trump as the next President.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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