Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Greater Than Life Its Self Is The Will Of God"

A little hard to see, but many jets were traveling the skies this morning under this gorgeous sun. The sky was full of white streaks from jets. 2-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A sign of “hurry, hurry, we must get there quickly” was evident this morning when I looked up and saw jet streaks going across the sky in droves. I believe something bigger, and more serious is happening that most people would not aspire to. Their thought is, “we will cross that bridge when we get there.”  Of course there is not a lot any of us little people can do to stop the out-of-control evil that has filled our Great America, but even a word or two of warning sent by means of internet, postal service, word by mouth in public places, and of course running away from the very appearance of evil can speak volumes. I want to be counted as one of those who did everything in their power to stand up for American principal’s. I applaud those who are letting their name be used to expose a crime that could bring them death also. Many good American’s have died trying to live honest, and expose those who are not. The heart-stopper pill, or a pinch of crystal  is becoming more and more popular among those who have learned the secret to destroy a powerful individual of justice. There is an old saying, “the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn.”
I am praying for you, brother, and sister, who are using every ounce of wisdom you can gather to bring to justice those who are part of the evil army trying to destroy America. You do not know me or many others like me, but never doubt that your God, and our God is hearing every word going up in your behalf. Your reward is set in stone in earth, and in heaven. Millions of prayer warriors are worth more than trillions of evil doers. With the natural eye America looks very weak, and overshadowed by evil, but there is one waiting in the balance who can uncover the mountains of dirt and trash and make the wind so strong that nothing sleazy will remain. I hope this miraculous one can be put in place before many more good people have to die however, that may not be possible. God is in control, and whatever He wills is the perfect victory for American, the Christian nation ordained by His Great power.

I believe God is speaking giving one more chance to those whom have failed Him, and have even helped the enemy to gain more control of our country. I also believe this is the last chance for many. Either wake up, or be condemned forever more. God is a just God, and He has given everyone a second chance; But He is also a God of anger and will not be mocked for long.

No doubt the jets were doing business as usual this morning, but the business has doubled, and for some reason it is becoming obvious.  Men and women are running to and fro trying to hold onto a weakened country, and restore its greatness. Will you be a help, and join them in taking the American flag everywhere you go? 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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