Friday, February 5, 2016

"I Love My Comfortable Bed"

Just can't let the sun go down without saying, "see you in the morning." 2-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                   A different view of the sinking sun taken at the same time. 2-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am usually up by day break in the mornings. I watch the sun come up every morning except when the clouds have it covered. I see it go down every evening except for same reason. The hours between these two events can sometimes seem long. I am a light sleeper, and cannot sleep over four or five hours a night. And that is not all at one time. I never get out of bed except for a bathroom visit, so I have a lot of hours to rest and  meditate. So many thoughts come to me that I want to remember and write them the next day, but somehow everyone of them are gone when I get up. I will not allow myself to get up and write, because I need the rest, and any sleep I can possibly get. I assume God doesn’t want me to write some of the things that I think are important. Maybe they were for me personally, and not to be shared by others. I would much rather sleep all night than write a mental letter that I never get transcribed. So I work with the daylight hours as much as possible, and use pictures to help get my point across. Some day I believe I will be able to describe my inner emotions in a way that people can understand, but will never know the real feeling I live with. I am sure everyone can relate to this “human thing” in some way, but I wonder if ever another person has experienced the same unhealing wounds that penetrate my soul. I am one of the most happy, sorrowful, and contented persons that God has created, but I cannot explain that feeling. I know that I am a worthless sinner saved by grace, but I feel so blessed to be visited daily by the Holy Spirit constantly giving me faith and confidence in myself. I say myself, because I am the one still here on earth trying to be the best servant of God that I can possibly be. I live by faith and not by works. I have a God-given duty to help others be the same. An effort is all it takes. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. How easier can it get? The hardest part is dying to our own selfish ways, and give our best to others. That takes the love of Jesus, and everyone needs that kind of love. Its free, just ask for it. I can’t explain how we are suppose to condemn some things in life, but Jesus did that. If we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we will be guided by Him. As long as we know we are yielded to the Spirit, we cannot be too far from right, no matter who may try to rebuke us. We must hold firm to our own conscience, but we must also love and pray for those who do not trust us. Spiritual blindness is the worse kind. One cannot read by braille if they are spiritually blind. They remain in the dark if they refuse to hear God’s word. I cannot think of anything more sad than seeing someone who is spiritually blind.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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