Thursday, February 18, 2016

"Cooking And Looking"

                     The late evening, white moon is smiling at me. 2-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This moon does have facial expressions, believe me. I was needing a friendly smile today when I looked up and saw this moon. If a double click is made you can see the features of a friendly moon. Anyway it lifted my spirits while I was cooking steak outside on the grill. The evening was very nice, just a little windy. I also made hot rolls, and a loaf of bread. The boys and I did enjoy our dinner.  I had steak left over so meat for tomorrow is waiting in the frig.

I enjoyed a long conversation today with a friend in another city. We mostly talked about politics, since it seems like that is about all we can hear on the TV. I hope I can live till November just so I can see the end of this long, exciting novel. I don’t know what I will do for pass time after that. Probably will be praying for safety for myself and my family. I just don’t feel like it is going to be very smooth sailing from now on. I can already tell that my faith is being tested more and more each day. But the Lord said He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. That is a great heap of faith to fight for also. We have to keep remembering those words. I am more thankful every day for the peace and comfort of my home. I have two of my sons with me again just like when they were growing up. Sometimes I still see the “little boy” in them. I have another son, and a daughter that I wish I could have back with me also. They are younger, and when they retire maybe I can be close to them. The grand children are all busy making a life of their own. I am sure I won’t live till they retire, but I hold them up before God each night and ask Him to bless them. I am so proud of my family and thank God for each and everyone of them.

I do feel bad tonight when I think about tearing up a would-be-mother rabbit’s delivery room today. She had formed a hole down in the asparagus  stalks that I failed to cut down this past fall. She ran away when I got close to the bed, but I had to cut down the old stalks and get ready for new growth. I saw that she hadn’t had her babies yet, but she will definitely have to find another place to deliver. And I think I have it hard sometimes! It is even the little animals around me, along with the sun, and the moon that gives me courage to keep going on. We are all God’s creation, and He supplies are every need. I have another story to tell about a young bird that got trapped in my patio this week, but I will tell it later.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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