Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Lucky Days Do Happen Sometimes"

The half-moon is already shinning this beautiful evening.  Sun hasn't set yet. 2-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Have to love this nice day. It was warm and still. Now the sun is fixing to go down. Lovely day. 2-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today was a nice day to shop. I stocked up on several things I have been without for some time. I wish all the rest of winter would be like today. It is still five weeks before the first day of spring. I was in a much better mood today than yesterday. I don’t really know why, but it just seemed like yesterday was a day of gloom. I found fault with everyone, and everything. I prayed before I went to bed last night that today would be better, and thank God He answered my prayer. Everything I looked at seemed beautiful. I can’t wait till tomorrow so I can continue on with this good feeling of getting a lot of things done. Good days like today go by too fast. I am already planning on going shopping again tomorrow. One or two things I saw today that I wanted, but didn’t buy I have now decided I will go back and get them. That should complete my spring shopping for awhile. I am excited to the extent I may not sleep well. How brave I am going to be when I turn lose of the money I didn’t want to spend today. It will be worth it. I just needed to add something to my ward-robe.

As I write this blog I am listening to Megan Kelly on FOX News. She is reporting that the GOP is changing the rules for their nominating process this year. I feel sure they will try every trick in the book to keep Donald Trump from becoming the nominee. Every day the political rhetoric is getting more boring, and the time is yet far away from a nominee. I would not be surprised at anything that might happen. Money is fighting money in a torpedo-like gush. Hell occupies most of the earth’s surface.  It isn’t easy for anyone to live within the bounds of such evil environment, but with the help of God we can survive. I believe I need to shop more and watch less of FOX News. However, I would be an uninformed guest at every meeting I attended, since there seems to be nothing but concern for America’s future. Each one of our lives is at risk later, if not sooner. Death is meant for us all in some way or another, but we would like to choose our own method. By faith I believe we can have that wish granted us. That’s why I listen, talk, share, think, and pray every minute of my life. When life’s battle is over I know a wonderful place is waiting for us. I hope I can say I have run a good race, and fought a good fight. “Keep me true dear Lord, keep me true.” I am sending a kiss out to every one who is reading this blog. I love you all with all my heart. Good night, and keep on believing in God, and Jesus Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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