Sunday, February 28, 2016

"A Rally That Restored Hope"

The big jet landed right on target today in Bentonville, Arkansas. Hugh crowds awaited Donald Trump. 2-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Donald Trump and Chris Christie. A great speech by both great men. God's blessings on them both. 2-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I laid in my bed all day today just resting from a stomach virus from yesterday. I was comfortably sitting up with large pillows to my back  watching for Donald Trump’s plane to roll in. The announcer was saying huge crowds were waiting and watching for his plane. Then he said the plane had been spotted. The crowd began to roar. I watched Donald Trump and Chris Christie walk down the steps from off the plane. I heard two wonderful, uplifting, encouraging speeches from these two giants. Donald spoke for a hole hour. Let me tell you I don’t like being around insulting people, but the way our world has become so stinking rotten I am proud to see someone now throwing fire on the chips. I want to see all of it go up in flames. I believe we have that miracle in Donald Trump. I am not saying I think he is perfect, as I know that no one is, but I am saying I believe he will put evil people back where they belong. “Hurry it on, Donald.”

I cannot say we will ever see peace on this earth again, but I am praying that we will. I have put legs to my prayers in every way I can because the word says faith without works is dead. I have written many blogs and made lots of comments on twitter and other internet spaces, and I believe my effort has not been in vain. I am positive I will be rewarded whether I ever see “America Great Again,” or not. After all if we shelter ourselves and our families with God’s word and promises we are a winner already. I’m just glad to have someone reaching out beyond their own family and helping others. “God bless you Donald Trump.” There is a huge army behind Mr. Trump that I think will over power the weak, and unwise, in whatever way it takes. Many surprises are waiting for those whom thought they knew it all.

We all know the battle of Armageddon is yet to be fought. Some might believe this war will be fought in the Middle East, but bible prophets tell us this battle will encompass the whole earth. Jeremiah 25:32-34  Ezekiel 39:17:20. I believe it has already got most of the earth covered. If this is the time that the Armageddon battle will soon become recognizable I believe even more that Donald Trump is our best hope. This war will be to end human ruler ship, and Jesus Christ will be present to lead a heavenly army to victory over God’s enemies. Does it not seem to you that human ruler ship is out of hand? How can it get much worse?  Maybe we haven’t seen nothing yet. God help us. If ever there was a time when we need to repent and make things right with God it is now. Its time to stop the jokes and get serious.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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