Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"Mr And Mrs Donald Trump"

I am beginning to like my own portrait of Donald Trump more and more. He is a winner. 2-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Melania Trump. Donald's wife. This is also my own portrait and she gets prettier every day. 2-10-2016 Perryton, Texas

I for one am happy about the turn-out, and the results in last nights primaries for New Hampshire. My pick for the presidential candidate, Donald Trump, scored a great victory. The USA is spinning around like a top trying to get the right person in the White House while we still have one. Mean man, Donald Trump, is all fired up and ready to blast away anything that gets in his way of “making America great again.” I believe he knows how to do it, and I think he is going to get that chance. Donald loves America, and all the good and honest people that live here. He is against robbers, and free-loaders, trying to take our freedom away from us. He welcomes all who are honest, and will keep our laws like we know them. Those who want to change this nation to be like a lot of other evil countries, Donald says “NO WAY.”  I agree with him 100%. Even if some are here legally, and some even born in America, I say stick to our Christian principles, and honor our constitution, or be deported out with the other rebels. Presidents included. We in America have no place for pussyfoots. Either stand up and be counted, or shut up and be dammed.

Melania Trump will be a great first lady. She shows her positive good manners in a way that few can do. She is a woman, and she wants everyone to know that. She lets it be known in more ways than one. She does not try to take a man’s place in his power to defend America. She will do her princess, wifely job, and do it well. She will not try to wear the shoes her husband trodes in. Many first ladies cannot truthfully boast of that. I am proud to see Melania Trump looking, and acting like the woman God created from the rib of a man. She is beautiful because her beauty is coming from her heart. She is a woman, and she certainly identifies herself as one.

Its time for every male and female to identify themselves also. Its time to look and act like your body was formed to be. This game of playing man and wife of the same sex is only for preschoolers. Its time for some of you to start to school. The truth is many don’t want to accept the duty of their true sex, making a mockery out of God. That is everyone’s own  prerogative, but please don’t try and change mine by changing our constitution that was formed by God-fearing, and God-abiding founders. No matter who you are, or who you may want to protect. If your personal choices,  show other than the intended purpose of man and wife, as described in God’s Word, all are guilty of rebuking His decision to make a man in His own image, and adding a wife to make him happy and bear him children. Poor, pitiful, deceived creatures. Your reward is just as real as those who kept their birthrights, and turned not away from their intended purpose in life. I am not saying this to say some are perfect. There is no perfect person on this earth, but sin is measured by the same gauges. God does not make mistakes. He will give us what we deserve, even though He loves us all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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