Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"A Walking Miracle"

Rick Sharp getting ready to leave for a Dr. appt. in Amarillo, Texas. 2-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I have posted a picture of my son, Rick, three months after the doctor told me there was nothing else they could do for him, and I could take him home. This was one day after the doctor told me I couldn’t take him home, because he needed to see a doctor every day. After the rehab searched for two days to find a place to put Rick with no success, the doctor said, “take him home, we can’t do anything else for him. The 6’1’’, 165 pound normal weight frame, had fallen to 120 pounds. He didn’t have enough strength to turn himself over in bed. Two nurses managed to get him in the back seat of my car lying him down on the seat. He was quiet all the 130 miles home, and I wondered if he would be alive when we arrived. My oldest son, Chuck, was waiting at my house with a wheel chair to help get him in the house. We had refused help, and wanted to do it all by ourselves. I am thankful for the help of God when lifting, and tugging on a near lifeless body. We got him in the wheelchair, and lifted the entire chair up three steps on the porch. I was still recovering from a badly sprained back from lifting on him before. My problem also was helped greatly by God’s mercy. I was able to endure pain, both physically, and mentally, while I promised God to do His will. I asked God to help me to help Rick to recover if it be His will. Rick had refused food for over three weeks. He only wanted to sleep all the time. Home health  nurses had been arranged by the doctor to come to the house to help me, but I refused. I wanted to be alone with him when he passed on. I had Chuck to help me, and I knew God would help me with the more serious problems. Example, God made Rick open his mouth when I offered him a teaspoon full of ensure. At first I could get only two to three spoonfuls down, but little by little he started taking more. Then shortly I realized God was wanting to heal him. Rick’s attitude changed, and he began to show strength that I thought was impossible. The nightmare ended within a week. I was able to sleep in my own bed, and know that Rick would be alright. His mind had returned to normal, and he knew what he could do, and what he couldn’t. He did some amazing things with those bones.

This time of recovering has happened after nearly two months of previous hospitalization with serious issues. Some members of my family disowned me for not leaving Rick to die alone. They told me to take care of it by myself. They did not know that God was not going to disown me. I was blessed with some family members, and friends who were so loving and kind to me. At this time Rick has a positive outlook on life, and is doing very well. I don’t know what the future holds for him, but neither does anyone know what their future holds. At this time I am also strong, and have a positive outlook on life, but only God knows my future. I am on this planet for His service only. Whatever He has for me to do, I will accept without regret. I give this testimony for one reason only. Never give up on God, for He will never give up on you. “Not my will, but Thine be done.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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