Wednesday, April 7, 2021

"When It's Over It's Over"

“When It's Over It's Over” Good morning to all my readers. After a few days of being hospitalized I am now at home feeling well, and blessed again. I had a stint placed in my heart which was a simple, and painless procedure. My daughter, and son was there for me all the way. My doctors, and nurses were the best ever. Of course my Heavenly Father was making sure they did everything right. I have to admit I thought it might be my time to say good-bye to this old world, and .enter a new one. After having had four heart by-passes twenty one years ago, I had to wonder if my time had finally come. I guess the Lord still had work for me to do. As I read through the book of Job I am finding myself comparing my own life somewhat to the life of Job. Why did God allow Satan to cause Job to suffer so terribly? My own opinion is The Father God wanted His children to be strong warriors in the natural life, and suffering is the way to bring strength to the flesh, and bones of this human earthly body. I think about the scripture found in Psalms, “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” I am still in the waiting room, so to speak, to be taken up to be with my Lord. That sometimes can be a long, hard wait. I must find something to keep me busy, although I'm told not to be weed, and feeding my yard anymore. If the time has come for me to be more mentally active, and less physically, then I must start a new chapter in my life. I pray for obedience rather than what I am used to doing. If I am to start a new chapter in my life, only God can fill the pages. I have no idea what they may contain, but I trust I can yield to the very sharp teeth if that is the sign I see. Yes, I would prefer a pacifier, but maybe it's time to give it up. But like unto Job I will not be made to admit something I am not guilty of. There is an end to everything be it good, or bad. “Happy are those who trust the Lord.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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