Friday, April 16, 2021

"An Island Of Paradise"

“An Island Of Paradise” Just finished a list of to do's including almost a hundred dollars worth of groceries. I was going to wash my car, but there are so many pools of muddy water still standing till I decided to put it off again. Sure hate driving it to church Sunday as dirty as it is. It seems like other people manage to keep their cars clean no matter how bad the weather is. Don't worry my children, I was just going to run it through the car wash. I'm still trying to take it easy for a few more days. I saw a good friend from the Center today at the grocery store, and I didn't recognize her by name for some time after we chatted. I knew her face, but couldn't place her. Finally I saw another friend talking to her which I had no trouble recognizing, Cliff McGarraugh, and I remembered Sharron. It has been over a year since I have been to the Center because of the covid, and I couldn't believe how much some people can change in a year. Others never change. I have had my covid shots now, so I'm planning to get back to my favorite eating place soon. It thrilled me to see these two at the store. I may forget their faces, but I will never forget their sweet friendship. So many of my friends have passed on so I need to show more appreciation to the ones still left here. Once they are gone our smiles will turn to tears. My precious church family sent me a lovely bouquet of roses today. I have missed the last two weeks of church from being confined to the hospital waiting for a long week-end to pass so the doctor could put a stint for my heart in. No surgeries are done on week-ends except emergencies. My case was not an emergence. However, I was suppose to take it easy for two weeks. I am feeling almost 100 percent now, and the beautiful flowers had a lot to do with it. I appreciate my church family so much. I waited a long time to find the peace, and joy I have now found in this church. No doubt it is a favorite of God's because He has recently placed a miracle to it's advantage, and the people all know it. We don't know what's next, but we are certain of receiving many more miracles. I feel safe, and secure in this little Island of Paradise. I'm sure there will be battles yet to conquer, but the battle is God's, and not ours. “Where two or three are gathered together there will I be in their midst,” sayeth the Lord. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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