Thursday, April 15, 2021

"Oh Ye Foolish Generation"

“Oh Ye Foolish Generation” I haven't seen the sun all day, but I really haven't had time to look. I was busy catching up on my work at Chuck's house today. We need some rain, but I wish it would hurry up and let the sun come out again. My yard has to be mowed this week-end because that's the only time my mower can do it. He has a full time job through the week. Whatever will be, will be. Otherwise things are going great for me. Today is my youngest sister's birthday, and I had a good visit with her over the phone. I will be spending a week with her, and another sister on the 26 of this month after I see my doctor for a check-up appointment. My three sisters mean the world to me. I am the oldest, but they won't let me boss them. However, I won't let them boss me neither. That's why we like to be together so much. The news about our great country isn't getting any better. I fear that God is not going to intervene until things get a lot worse yet. America is guilty of some very bad, and wicked things. God is showing us who is in control. Some will never wake up to that fact, so we must continue to suffer for the unbelievers bad actions. I am trusting my God for strength to survive the bloody battle. As long as we're here we have to trust, because the doomed are here to stay also, I do believe. Many would rather die than admit their mistakes. I can't believe how many millions of people on earth still cannot see the fake of this deadly disease that was created by man to be a weapon against the Christians. Of course it is a real disease, and like any other disease it can kill, but the fear that it has caused by evil enemies is never going to stop. They will keep using it to gain power of the whole world. They created it, and they can continue to create fear with it. Needless to say I believe the entire purpose of this disease was to gain power from God's righteous ones, but I also believe God allowed it to happen. Why? Because the Satanic power had been successful enough to spread wicked, evil, and sickening acts of ungodliness to a large population of luke warm parents who in turn failed to instill the importance of the bible teaching to their children, mostly because they themselves didn't want to live up to their own teaching. Luke warm now, and ice cold sooner than later. I believe we must turn the heat upon those who are cooling to the point of freezing to death. How? Start preaching the bible instead of praising the foolish who have no shame for anything the bible teaches. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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