Saturday, April 17, 2021

"Those Tears Can Make Rivers Of Blessings"

“Those Tears Can Make Rivers Of Blessings” A cool, windy day is keeping me inside when I need to be going out and doing some things. As always they can wait for another day, but that doesn't make things more interesting inside. I suppose I can call it a day of rest. I've had a lot of those kinds of days lately. In one week I will be going on vacation, and that makes me more lazy because I am ready to go now. This cool, rainy weather we've been having for several days has made me more anxious to get away. I just need to push the calm button, and forget all the bad stuff I hear on t,v. I have talked with two of my sisters this morning, and that is a help for my anxiety. Two of my three sisters sees nothing but excitement for today, and tomorrow. The other one sees nothing but working with older women trying to cheer them up in their old age years. She lives in a Retirement Center and doesn't leave the place very often. All the things the other three of we sisters like, and enjoy, she says no way would I do those things. We are glad to leave her at home when we decide to go out, and go wild, but not the kind of wild God doesn't approve of. Actually we just want to get away form the old grind, and laugh at ourselves for being crazy. After a few days it's back to the old grind. One thing we all four have in common is we are all widows, and we all share in a half person life. The other half of us left this planet with our husbands. The bible says that when a man, and a woman marry they two become as one. When death separates us we are left just a half of that one person. We are left defenseless except for our Heavenly Father who is always with us. While this day may sound null, and void to some, I believe I have used my faith to encourage others before I started this little non-effective chat. At least I made an effort to do so. Only God knows the results of my request to Him for a special need in our family. I try to never let a day go by without asking God to heal some person whether it be physical or mental. I believe He hears, and answers those requests. Boredom today, tiredness tomorrow, laughter is ahead, and faith never leaves me hopeless. Here's to everyone who feels hopeless, when you feel like you can't take another step, just remember God will pick you up and carry you. Give it all to Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp '

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