Friday, April 9, 2021

:A Speck Of Worth Viruses A Star of Wealth"

“ A Speck Of Worth Viruses A Star Of Wealth Minute, by minute, hour, by hour, day, by day, we must trust God. We must not let Satan sidetrack us by listening to his lies. The bible teaches us not to be swayed by every wind of doctrine. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, and He alone is who we need to listen to. He will never lead us down the wrong path. Fear, and doubt are not put upon us by The Holy Spirit. No, none of us are God's within ourselves, but we are God's children, and He will never leave us alone. It is when we yield to God that He can completely heal our bodies, souls, and mind. I just came through a procedure that was risky in the eyes of man, but I trusted my God as I have done many times, and I am home recovering very well. I cannot say the concern is over, because Trust is something that must be a continuous part of our lives. I can live a happy, and useful life without fear of dying tomorrow, although that is possible. I will put it like this. I am not a good swimmer, but I made it to shore, and I am going to help others make it to shore. That's what God created us for. Many all around us are sinking without fully realizing it. I pray that God will use me in some way to rescue the perishing. We all have different ways in which God can use us. That is why He made no two people alike. I saw something happen this week that made me to know what I've just said is a fact. My daughter was bringing me home from the hospital in Amarillo. We stopped at Dyer's bar-b-q to get food to bring home to eat. We just gave our order to the cashier, and waited for it to be filled. I use a debit card for nearly all of my business. I gave the cashier my card then we left. I saw my daughter looking for something in the back seat, so I turned around and saw a hand full of bills she was going through. I asked her what she was doing. She said I am going to take a tip back in there. I felt so badly, but I thought you only tipped when you were served at a table. I felt sure God let it happen like that, and I am so thankful for my daughter's thoughtfulness. I have witnessed other times when a generous gift was offered that made me nearly cry, but it was not to a waitress. It was in a place where you would least expect money to be given away. Who knows how many souls might have been saved just by someone showing love, and compassion to another? We do not have to be liked by everyone to be of service to God, but it does make a difference when people put aside their self righteousness, and admit it to their God, and ask for forgiveness. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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