Wednesday, April 14, 2021

"Sorry But Not Sorry"

“Sorry But Not Sorry” Good afternoon to all my readers. Physically I am feeling much better, but spiritually I cannot say the same. My heart is breaking after reading on social media this morning about another gay man coming out with his sinful habit, calling it a birth thing. He was a well known star on a show that attracted many young viewers. The thing that makes me the saddest was reading all the comments spoken by his viewers who praised him for coming out of the closet, and being “who he was,” so to speak. They admired him for letting it be known, and believed he would be happier now. This celebrity claimed he had never been sexually active with a same sex partner, but was now starting to search for one. The Holy Bible declares that homosexuality is a sin in sever different places within it's pages. It even dares to say just how harsh a punishment should be for anyone guilty of it. How can the younger generation now deny the Bible teachings, and say it is o k and encourage this evil act to others. This great abomination to God is becoming more numerous than any drug which has taken so many lives. The gay population say they are so proud to be gay, and have no shame at all about showing it in the public places where most people are embarrassed, and sickened at their behavior. Outside of murdering babies this evil habit is the worst that one can possible commit. I truly believe that God is about to announce judgment upon the people whom have cursed his name. I will never believe those who say they are sure God is pleased with their sinful acts, since He says in His Word that sex with the same sex partner is an abomination unto Him. I am sorry to say, but I would be sorry if I didn't say, anyone who agrees with homosexuality as being o k with God, is as guilty as those who engage in it. Wake up, my dear innocent , ignorant, hot-shots. You will be judged without a doubt. Not by me, or any other earthly judge, but by The Almighty God who created you. My sins are many, and I pray daily for forgiveness, but never, never would I do things so terrible sinful as those I've just pointed out. My sins are human nature like, but it is not human nature to change the Word of God to suit your own desires. The Word plainly says God created man, then formed the woman from the man's rib to be his wife. No editing is allowed. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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