Monday, April 19, 2021

"Welcome To The Search For Healing"

“Welcome To The Search For healing” Recently my mind has been troubled with a few people I know who are enduring a lot of pain physically. It is also causing loved ones to endure a lot of pain both mentally, and physically. We all know that pain is part of the human body God created. Therefore, we all have to suffer some pain in our bodies,. but we have to wonder why. What is Pain? I believe this is the answer God gives me when I ask Him why pain to our bodies. Pain happens when the flesh and blood in our bodies are abused either by a natural cause, by accident, or by purpose. Pain also happens when the body fails to keep functioning properly. I believe this could be caused by some fault of our own or any number of other reasons. Why does these mortal bodies have to endure pain? That is a question that will never be answered correctly until God decides when the time is right. Life is long, short, or not at all after conception. In ancient bible history people lived to be several hundred years old. But the bible teaches us in James 4:14 that life is like a puff of smoke which appears for a moment and then disappears. As stated in the Good News Bible. Today's English Version. Pain can also cause suffering mentally. The brain is made to grieve over the suffering of others, or at the loss of a loved one. This kind of suffering can cause the body to suffer physically as a lack of sleep, and rest, also for loss of appetite. Pain is sure and certain, therefore the Creator himself is the only real healer of pain. Medicine, surgeries, exercise, and other remedies are used to help heal physical discomfort, but these remedies were created by scientists. They are a short cut for the real healing. Their wisdom for these remedies came directly from God. We all thank God for giving wisdom to the human being .to help us live longer with less pain. Why do people chose to live longer even though they are in pain so much of the time? I believe it's mostly because of the way God chose for His creatures to be. There is always a question of what's out there after death. This is the hardest part of living just knowing that some day you will die, and what then. The bible teaches that to die is to gain, but even the most dedicated Christians have trouble welcoming death, unless the pain is so severe they cannot have hope for peace any longer. The bible also teaches that death is the last enemy we have to conquer. So as I continue to ask God for healing for those whom I love so dearly may He be my shield and buckler from all doubt the enemy throws at me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

1 comment:

  1. When i look amd work with my quadrapalegic son who is a ScI c1-c4 complete.And even being. Completely paralyzed he has AD (autonomic dysreflexia)which consists of extreme spasms, low and high blood pressure ,low or elevated heart rates,possible stroke.And this is the bodys way of responding to pressure or pain that he has no nerve connections to send back n forth the signals and although he cant feel the touch of someones handhe can feel internal pressures and pains.
    I FIND THIS INTERESTING.MY SON SAYS EVERY TALKS ABOUT THEIR PAIN, AT LEAST THOSE WHO HAVE PAIN CAN FEEL SOMETHING! And wow what a statement if he only knew how swvere his injury was painfully speaking hed realize hes blessed to not be able to feel the pain that would accompany his condition.
    And he has a point that sometimes to feel pain or anything would be better than not feeling anything at all.So thats physically speaking.
    My experience with emotional pain due to loss of a life i had for 10 years and suddenly seperated from was very traumatic for me it was sudden and a shock.Being so young it wasnt til later in life i realized that i cried and stayed in self destructkon for 4 years later bcuz the PAIN was the only thing i had left od the whols situation and i didnt wantbto let it go it was my keepsake so to speak..Then i let that go.
    And one more time i once asked GOD why do i lose everyone and everything ive ever loved?
    This was given to me , Love wasnt necessarily meant to possess forever or be kept.You see we expierence and learn of love from many things.Like animals, cars, music, food, people,money,sports and so on..Good and bad loss and joy..And so when weve gained knowledge and unselfishness thru these love expierience in life it comes a time when we must move on to the next lesson in love.And after i realized love wasnt something we look for or find it is something we have already and its to be given and shared and not kept..alot of my Pain subsided i wasnt a victim i was a blessed person .
    Those are some physical, mental and emotional expieriences ive had and one more view of mine just what ive learned recently. That pain and deapair ans geief anything other than Joy is true resistance to our natural flow of vibrancy.Its like a signal from our inner being saying go this way, go around the resistances that keeps us from receiving whats so freely available to its kinda like stubbing our toe or hitting the grab our attention.Thwse are my views amd past experiences.I never thought much more than that pain was the abscense of the true joy we were meant to live in...thanks for sharing what a good tooic and wanting to hear more from others who have differnt views.very
    Angela (Sharp) Farquer
