Friday, May 7, 2021

"The Fight Is On"

Praise the Lord! I have returned from a recovery journey after having a stint placed for my heart. The same evening after I had the second Covid shot at 1 o'clock, I went to the ER. My blood pressure was very high, and I felt weak. From the ER I was taken by ambulance to Amarillo and admitted to the BSA hospital. It was a long Easter week-end so I had to wait till the following Monday to have the stint put in. I do not know if the shot had anything to do with my BP, but I have to think maybe it did. I went back to see my Doctor for a three week check up, and everything was fine. When I left the doctor's office I rode with my son to Norman, Oklahoma on his way back home. I met up with my two sisters whom I had already planned a week's vacation with before the procedure. I spent one week with them, and had a wonderful time. I felt fine. They brought me home, but the next day after they left my BP shot up again. I was short of breath, and was feeling depressed. My son called my Doctor's office, but they thought everything would be o k in time. I began to feel better at times, then worse at other times. I can say it has been a battle every since I got back from vacation one week ago today. I feel fine this morning, but wonder if I have completely recovered. One thing for sure, there has been a great change in my outlook on life. My faith is being tested severely. I pray it will end soon. I got the shot after my Doctor recommended it, and I felt sure in time it would be required before we could every have any peace again. Sadly, I still feel that way. It's plain to see the world has changed. I feel like all Christians will have a battle from now on trying to keep their faith. So far God has rescued me every time I called out to Him in desperation. But is rough until He rescues me, which has been several times lately. I don't know the future, but I know who holds the future. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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