Thursday, May 27, 2021


BE BRAVE THROUGH IT ALL PSALMS 37, 30-34 A good man's words are wise, and he is always fair. He keeps the law of his God in his heart and never departs from it. A wicked man watches a good man and tries to kill him; but the Lord will not abandon him to his enemy's power or let him be condemned when he is on trial. Put your hope in the Lord and obey his commands; he will honor you by giving you the land. As sure as I live I believe God's people are on trial at this time. We are certainly trying to be killed by wicked men. In the past year and one-half hundreds of thousands have already died by the wicked hands of evil men. I can't say they were on trial because they died in nursing homes, and hospitals where they were already being cared for for disabilities. The vulnerable are always the easiest to take down. It happened so suddenly before anyone had a chance to come to their rescue. This is one of the things that Christians believing in God's Word cannot explain. But we can say that wicked men are at work to kill the good men. Quoting from God's Word, “it is not meant for man to know the mysteries of God.” We just must know that God does all things well. It would not surprise me to learn later on that millions of people who have taken the Covid shot and felt no side effects, will permanently be effected in some way. Let me quote again from today's scripture. But the Lord will not abandon the good man to his enemy's power or let him be condemned when he is on trial. How do we define a good man? A very serious question to think about. But we have no time to lose in deciding that. My best definition would be this, also coming from the scriptures. “Let us hide ourselves behind the cross, and lift up Jesus.” The world is shaking now with fear, and a grab for power is the reason for it. When the wicked get caught in their evil acts, they always have a back-up plan ready to use. They have no fear themselves because they have gotten away with so much till they are just laughing at God's people. I do believe in God's judgment upon all people, but I know He is a just God, and will not judge wrong. I must take my sentence, and thank God for whatever it amounts to. I fear a sad day is coming for many who were not expecting it. We must never, never deny God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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