Tuesday, May 25, 2021

"I Am Still With You With A Sound Mind"

I am sorry to have been off my blogspot for eleven days. On April the 1st I got my second Covid 19 shot, five hours later I was in the emergency room with 200 plus blood pressure. I was kept in our hospital over night then sent to Amarillo by ambulance the next morning. I was admitted to BSA hospital for three days. During that time I was given every kind of test that could be thought of. The blood pressure stayed up most of that time. It was decided that I needed a stint for my heart and later on a procedure for two glands in my neck that were partly blocked. My daughter brought me home on the 4th of April. I had no pain, but was somewhat in a state of shock. My blood pressure had dropped some, but was still too high. I went through three weeks of semi-daze before my next appointment with the doctor. I had made plans to meet two of my sisters in Oklahoma City before any of this happened. My three week check up was the day I was to meet them. The doctor asked me how I was feeling. I said o k. Without any examination of any kind, he said I don't think you need anything else, and let me go within five minutes of his time with me. My son had come from Sherman to take me to the doctor that day, so I rode with him to Norman, Oklahoma where my sisters were waiting for me. I spent four days with them feeling well in body, but not so relaxed mentally. They brought me home on the fourth day of our visit and spent the night with me. I took my blood pressure when we got here, and it was 200 over 90. It was still up when they left the next morning, but I felt fine. I did not keep feeling fine, but I was trusting God to take care of the problem. I began to have horrible nightmares, like I had never had before. These were such till I felt sure something bad was happening to me. I called to talk to my doctor, whom I had never heard of before the procedure, and had to leave word for him to call me back. This was at 12 o'clock on Friday and I never got a call until the following Tuesday. Then it was from a person whom said she was helping out with the doctors and nurses calls. I had already decided I needed to go to Oklahoma City and get another doctor. I called my sister after waiting all evening for a return call, and told her I was coming down and get a doctor there. She was here early the next morning to get me. As soon as she got here I began to feel confident that all would be o k. That night when I went to bed in her apartment I slept the most peaceful I had ever slept. My mind was so relaxed till God could speak to me for the first time in a month. He explained all the pro's and con's of what I was going to try and do. I realized it was better to listen to God than do things the way I thought was best. He told me to go back home and trust the doctor I had been seeing. When I got up and had breakfast with my sister I told her everything. She said I can take you home anytime you're ready. We left the next morning. Then when the lady from the doctor's office returned my call the next day. I told her I was unhappy that I wasn't called sooner. Five days was too long when I felt like I needed to talk to a doctor right away. She said we're doing the best we can do. I had not had a night mare since returning home from Oklahoma City. My blood pressure was down, and I had been told to trust my doctor. The worse of the worst was over, and I am claiming victory. I am not discouraging anyone from taking the Covid shots, because I do not know if that had any effect on me or not, but it seems strange that five hours after I took the last one all hell broke out for me. Even Old Satan himself was coming after me day, and night. I am still fighting somewhat, but at least I have God's Word that I will eventually be o k. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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