Saturday, May 29, 2021

"My Last Words At Night Thank You Jesus"

My Last Words At Night Thank You Jesaus We could talk forever about the evil that so rapidly is changing our world, but little would that help to call the sinner to repentance. The bible does say because of continued sin many would be turned over to a reprobate mind. Meaning that the conscience would no longer be touched by the most wicked happenings that at one time would have been unrealistic to those who now accept as good. It's very hard for the Christians to watch this terrible destruction come to our most beloved friends, and loved ones. We find ourselves praying for our own hurt, and sorrow. How long can the strongest of Christian servants continue to stay firm, and not weaken by such unbelievable, evil kidnappers taking our own away to another world of no return? We mourn, and cry, and our tears will not go away. A new day brings us new hope, but is soon yanked away from us. We can only look forward to that day of a new life with our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. With every decision I make I pray and ask God to direct my path. Sometimes I give into the thing that I said I never would, but sometimes God tells us to go ahead, and just trust Him to follow through. Those are tough decisions, but the pressure is so great God knows what's best for us. We can never escape all the bad things that happen to us, because Jesus did not escape them. But for certain we have a Heavenly Father who is always there to comfort us. He said “He would not put more on us than we were able to bare.” I can't stop thanking Him. Every night I go over the list of things God has done for me that day, giving Him thanks for it all. There is always a long list, and I'm sure I couldn't think of everything. This happens before I have read at least one chapter in the bible. Those precious words of God help me to sleep in peace all night. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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