Monday, February 24, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Hard Decision To Make"

Jean's Comment's: "A Hard Decision To Make":                    Now for packing. Not my favorite thing to do. 2-24-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm busy today getting ready for a vaca...

"A Hard Decision To Make"

                   Now for packing. Not my favorite thing to do. 2-24-2020 Perryton, TX

I'm busy today getting ready for a vacation. Will be leaving this Friday. I don't take long trip vacations, nor do I stay for long, but I do enjoy getting away from home for awhile. I will be visiting two of my three sisters in Norman, Oklahoma. My sister in Albuquerque cannot make it this time. God has blessed me with three wonderful sisters, and is letting us all live a long life. Isn't He good? I just finished unpacking my luggage from last Christmas a couple of weeks ago. I hate unpacking more than packing. I think I leave part of my soul where ever I've been, and am anxious to go again. However, four days is enough for me to be ready to come home. On Mother's Day May the 10th, my daughter, and son-in-law will be coming to visit me from Odessa, Texas. That's just two month's away. I know that will be a great time for me to enjoy. This year has been rolling by fast. It sees like the older I get the more I enjoy myself. Thank God again for all the pleasures He gives. I'm not saying my body isn't wearing out, but I always go to my repairman, and he fixes it quickly while I am knelt by my bedside. His number is 1-800heaven. He is never too busy to fix your problem. He prefers that you don't try to tell Him how to fix it. Just say fix it. Also it's so nice to have wonderful neighbors to watch your place while you are gone. My biggest worry is the weather, but I know God will handle that too.

I went to vote as soon as early voting opened up. I sure did not want anything to interfere with that. This was the primary vote, but to my surprise President Trump's name was on the ballet. I hope I didn't make the oval too dark for the machine to read. I also voted for Ronny Jackson for Texas U S Congress district 13. Ronny is a republican, and has been a doctor for the last three presidents. He resigned to come back to his homeland and run for this office after Mac Thornberry decided not to run again. He lives in Amarillo, and has been going all over the district getting acquainted with people. He stands with President Trump on all of his policies. Several of the candidates running for this office do not live in the district. That should not be allowed, but it is. I don't think someone living in Dallas, Fort Worth, and other places should be over our district 13. Help us send Ronny back to Washington D C to help President Trump clean the swamp, please. I think I'm right to say Ronnie Jackson was raised in Levelland, Texas. He spent 24 years in the Military, and would be a very good representative. Oh yes, I have had a hug from Ronnie at the Senior Citizen's Center. Good luck Ronny.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "God's Messengers Of Peace"

Jean's Comment's: "God's Messengers Of Peace":                 Having a word of prayer this early Sunday morning. 2-23-2020 Perryton, TX A quick word of prayer this morning by two feat...

"God's Messengers Of Peace"

                Having a word of prayer this early Sunday morning. 2-23-2020 Perryton, TX
A quick word of prayer this morning by two feathered beauties gave me a reason to write my blog. I don't have a male partner to share breakfast with, but I do have someone much more important to hear my thanks. I was starting to make my breakfast this morning when I saw these two little birds outside my kitchen window no doubt saying a Sunday morning prayer together. What a joy to watch them pray. Somehow my bacon, and eggs tasted better this morning. I even felt a spark of fire as I began to plan my day. I knew my Heavenly Father was very much beside me.

I had had a terrible scare last night just before I went to bed. I posted my blog yesterday at 4 o'clock p m. The number of hits for the day closes at 6 o'clock p m. I checked the number of hits at that time, and I had 16 for the day. Less than usual, but nothing to concern me. Them at 10 o'clock when I was turning off my computer for the night I checked again as always, and there were 240 hits that happened within a four hour period. I almost panicked. I called my son, but got his recording, bedtime already, so all I could do was pray. I thought my blog had caused a lot of anger for someone much bigger than I. Like always God answered my prayer, and I had a good night's sleep, and rest. But before I saw the birds praying this morning, I thought “well I might get some repercussion later on.” The prayerful birds reminded me that God had given me peace, and if I would trust He would not take it back. I'm still confused at what caused so many clicks to my blog, but I'm sure it was something I did by mistake, or not realizing it would make that much difference, possibly the way I sent it out.

Some of the things that crossed my mind while going to sleep was just how dangerous it is for President Trump to speak his peace before the whole world. He is one in a million that has done that. He seems no fear at all, even though he knows many haters are always waiting for that chance to kill him. I will not hesitate to be used by God, but I must know it is His will, and not myself. I have always considered myself as a peace maker, but as of recent I have felt the need to take a stand more for God. As evil as this world has become it is always risky to identify with Jesus. I will always believe God will protect His true believers, but they must be led by His spirit, and not by their own. If I made a mistake yesterday by sending out my blog to a whole new audience, I will be making the same mistake again today. God is still on the throne.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts": Jean's Comment's: "A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts" : Sharing my roses with Rush Limbaugh, They have blessed me for years. 2...

"A Good Sign To Take Seriously"

                    Someone agrees with me. Never stop doing this. 2-22-2020 Perryton, TX

I am seeing signs like this in people's yards all over our city. Some say “Be kind always,” and there are other inspiring messages. I am curious as to why signs like these are being places all around. I know of nothing that they could be making a promotion for. My thought is that our country is so divided, and so at war with each other, till God has led the way for signs of repentance to be placed all over the nation, including Perryton, Texas. It is a known fact that things are growing more, and more out of control. While China is not the most advanced nation in nuclear technology it is by far the most wealthiest money wise. China has weakened the fitness of everything they produce till they have taken the lead for years in product demand. When one makes cheap clothing, and all kinds of automobiles, all kinds of electronic instruments, and much of the food that is sold to other countries at a cheap price, it is a certainty that they will become the wealthiest. As a result for a lack of demand because of these cheap products, many countries, especially the U,S.A. Has become a large debtor to China.

Now that America has a President who has skillfully changed all the cunning ways China has used against us, regretfully that country has become much more lax in their food preparation, and it seems as though they are going to make a comeback by processing more food to sell to the U,S. What I have been reading about the way China raises, and processes food would make anyone want to go on a diet. Especially when they are buying out some of America's largest meat, and food distributors. As I visited today in a store with one of my son's neighbors, we discussed some of the latest changes China is making with the U.S. This neighbor had a positive attitude, and said our President has a cure for that also, but how much of that sickening food will we consume before our President can fix the problem? The problem is we do not know what we are eating or where it is processed. Example, some pork will read raised in America, but the fine print reads processed in China. Some name brand green beans I always buy was said to be raised in Chins in a compost of human feces. If so these brands of green beans sit on shelves in almost every American grocery store. The article I read today on this China food processing was supposed to have been researched, and documented as correct. Is it any wonder that China wanted to keep the coronavirus cases secret as much as possible. I will admit that I'm writing what I have read, or heard on television. Everyone knows the news has to be taken with a grain of salt these days, but again what are we suppose to believe?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts"

Jean's Comment's: "A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts": Sharing my roses with Rush Limbaugh, They have blessed me for years. 2-21-2020 Perryton, TX I am sending roses mentality to Rush Limb...

"A Gesture Of Serious Thoughts"

Sharing my roses with Rush Limbaugh, They have blessed me for years. 2-21-2020 Perryton, TX

I am sending roses mentality to Rush Limbaugh for devise healing. The evil giant has attacked him, and we won't stand by and let it happen. Rush if by any chance you do get this message be assured that God is with you. You believe in America, you believe in “we the people,” and by my faith you believe in the Almighty God. In Jesus name we declare you well. You are stronger than that evil giant who is trying to take you down. Please continue to help us, and President Trump, to win this deadly battle against Satan. I am positive it will happen at least for a period of time, but we do know that there will be battles as long as there is a earth. You cannot be replaced, so let us keep you speaking freely for our freedom. Remember the little David who slew the human giant with one little stone. You, Rush, have access to that same stone. Use it for God's glory.

So I'm bravely stepping out on faith this morning, but I positively feel the need to do so. Time has brought us into the deepest of wars, and everyone must be a warrior for God. We know we face risk if we do, but we also know we face risk if we don't. I believe the bible clearly states this. We can be a conscientious rejector, but no stars or strips will ever be awarded to us. Instead Satan will reward us with eternal damnation. The world was a very evil, and ungodly place before Jesus came to redeem us, and make for us a covenant that if kept there would always be peace, joy, and happiness. The fact is many would not agree to that covenant, and so the sin continued to rampantly grow. At this time I believe the sin, and evil is worse than before Jesus came. We, as believers have no choice but to stand up for Jesus even when it's risky. We all had a chance to live in peace, and enjoy the pleasures that Jesus made possible for us. But unfortunately some wanted the kind of pleasure that Jesus didn't approve of. The kind that keeps leading farther, and farther away from the will of God. Then there were some who only wanted to criticize those who did trust God with their whole heart, and refused to allow anyone the right to judge their moral beliefs. I call this the sin of self-righteousness. So here we are today, the self-righteousness, refusing to extend their hand to those whom they have condemned for so long, and are reaping a life of suffering. They could not accept the will of the Father to love, and respect their fellow Christians, Possible a worse sin than those denying God His will for their life, by venturing out in darkness. What are the Christian Leaders of our country dealing with? A rescue mission that will save a few, but will extend the life, and pleasures of those who trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Cloud In The Sky"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Cloud In The Sky": No sun today. It's there somewhere, but not for us to see today. 2-19-2020 Perryton, TX  The sun has not shown it's face a...

"Not A Cloud In The Sky"

No sun today. It's there somewhere, but not for us to see today. 2-19-2020 Perryton, TX 

The sun has not shown it's face all day today. It's up there somewhere, but it is going to stay hid for awhile. Thank God there has been other means of making me happy. I feel blessed to the highest, and looking forward to a four day vacation in ten days. I received a nice four day all paid motel offer plus meals, and a nice sum of free money to keep me occupied at Riverwind Casino in Norman, Oklahoma. My two sisters will meet me there, and I am very excited. Of course it all depends on the weather. I live 300 miles away, so anything could change our plans. I don't have to see the sun to keep me smiling until then. It will be nice to get away for a few days since I live alone, and have no one to chat with. My sisters are a lot of fun, and when I'm with them I feel close to all of my missing family members who have left us forever. God never takes everything we have, just enough to teach us we are still mortals ourselves, and we must share our love with each other in order to survive in good faith. How thankful, and blessed I feel. I know this short vacation was made possible by God. He has reached down with His big arms to me many times before. That's why I love him so much.

I must say these blessing do not come without a promise to believe God's reality. Just last night I was awakened abruptly by a ugly spirit hovering over me. I jumped to the floor and started praying. The image was gone as soon as it got me awake, but I knew I needed to tell my Heavenly Father about it. He instantly gave me peace, and assured me it was fake, and was trying to rob my victory. Yes, God is real, and so is Satan. I probably won't see that ugly face again until God gives me another big blessing. This evil spirit knows me well. He has tried to win my faith in God several times before. He knows I will always recognize him, and will demand he leave instantly. Last night I did not even have to rebuke him. When he woke me up he just left a glimpse as he rushed into space. He is such a coward, but is always trying to attack God's powerful performance. I am anchored in the promised land, and I am not moving. Further more I will enjoy my life until I get called home. God did not put us here to be prisoners of Satan forever. He promised to set us free if we would put our trust in Him. I did that many years ago, and I am happy to say I am free forever. If I am asleep or awake I know when that ugly face is hiding behind a beautiful face in many cases. Keep on believing, God will answer prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Awe Beauty Is Coming"

Jean's Comment's: "Awe Beauty Is Coming":                        Perennials are shooting up fixing to bloom. 2-18-2020 Perryton, TX Today is February 18 and these perennials I j...

"Awe Beauty Is Coming"

                       Perennials are shooting up fixing to bloom. 2-18-2020 Perryton, TX
Today is February 18 and these perennials I just took a picture of are fixing to bloom. This makes my heart glad because I love it when the flowers start blooming. I'm sure we will have a lot of cold weather yet, but I have a lot of flowers that live right through the freezing streak, and look wonderful. Tulips, dahlias, crocus, and several other plants love the cold weather. They set the stage for more later flowers, and the roses are just beautiful. There is no question about it the soil has to be treated, and dead left-over stems, and leaves have to be removed. The yard work begins early, and lasts till late in the fall. I plan to do all the work myself except for grass mowing. I would rather do it than to be living in Assisted Living facilities. I count it a blessing to be able to still live in my home, and do most of my own work. My attitude is much better in the spring, and summer. I go more places, and leave my worries behind. Of course there can be bad weather in the summer also. Floods, and tornadoes are a constant threat. The dry heat and wind can cause country fires that are often very devastating. And if mother nature don't bother us the hate in some of God's people will. We all are having to earn our right to live anymore. All the easy streets have disappeared.

I try not to think about the future, because that can sap one's victory quicker than anything. I just need to stay occupied today. Tomorrow will take care of it's self. I'm always ready for an exciting tomorrow, but I must accept what ever it brings. I never know what my mood will be tomorrow, or whether I will be asked to go somewhere with a special friend. As I already know I cannot control the future, I am prepared to let the future control me. I have that much faith in God. I might say today that I would never do a certain thing, but that very thing just might happen after all. Of course we are sensible enough to know the difference between right, and wrong. We call it waiting upon the Lord. My what a happy feeling to know you are in God's loving care, and He will never let you down, even if you may think for a moment He has. If we fall God picks us up. If we doubt God replaces our faith. If we cry He wipes out tears. Surly mercy, and goodness will follow us all the days of our life, and we shall live with God forever and ever. Take heed lest we be tempted, and drawn away from the will of God. Yes there is a price to pay, although it's small compared to what Jesus paid for us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "There Is Rest For The Weary"

Jean's Comment's: "There Is Rest For The Weary":                   Just give me 45 minutes and I will be up and attam. 2-17-2020 Perryton, TX Living the life of leisure while I can. ...

"There Is Rest For The Weary"

                  Just give me 45 minutes and I will be up and attam. 2-17-2020 Perryton, TX

Living the life of leisure while I can. This picture I'm posting is the normal thing I do after a nice lunch at the Center. A time of relaxing and taking a short nap. I enjoyed a good lunch while chatting with seven other friends at our table today. I'm so glad for a good memory after a few clues, and a quick spark of lightening. I hadn't given this particular subject a thought for many years, yet I knew the name when it was brought up, I just couldn't remember where it belonged. Then after two words was mentioned a whole new revelation started unfolding. I never knew I could make people laugh so much. God bless my friends, and God bless me. And thank you Lord for making this such a blessed day. We never know from one day to the next when we are going to get a nice surprise, and followed by a thousand wonders. That's what keeps me feeling so blessed every day of my life. After this nap I will do something necessary to carry on my duties as a servant, and a citizen. I have no “to do list,” but it's something that just comes naturally when I don't cop out. My mind never fails to remind me I have to earn my bread or I will be in bed without any bread. What a blessing, and a privilege that choice is for me.

I just cannot totally ignore the Fox News since that is what keeps my energy built up. I have given up part of the continuous frustration the news keeps giving, but not all of it. It's like a never ending game of tit-tat-toe. It can get boring, but there has to be a winner sometime. I have to wonder if I will be on the winning side when all the squares are blocked out. I often tell my partners what move to make next, but of course they don't listen to me. Then I have to stayed tuned in to see if I was right or wrong. Remember I am playing this game on the inter net. A million plus others are playing with me. I do get comments from some both pro and con, it's like our life depends on it. Right now our two most important GOP players are at odds with each other. I am definitely sticking to the first, and most important one who is our President. I know he sounds mean, and unusual, but that is the thing about him that has brought us back almost to the greatest country we've ever been. I will never give up on him, but he needs our prayers day and night. And believe me he has millions, and millions of people's prayers. “Go Mr. President.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Tis The Season For Love"

Jean's Comment's: "Tis The Season For Love":                One got caught the other flew away. Sweetheart birds. 2-16-2020 Perryton, TX There were two birds flirting in this tre...

"Tis The Season For Love"

               One got caught the other flew away. Sweetheart birds. 2-16-2020 Perryton, TX

There were two birds flirting in this tree. When I opened the door one flew away so fast I couldn't get his picture. The lady bird couldn't escape my shot. They both are guilty, and Valentine's is over. Love is even for the birds. My heart is still open for the right bird. Until then I will keep hiding the one who is still waiting to ask me to be his valentine. I am still gloating over the happy valentine party we had at the Senior Citizen's Center. Everyone looked beautiful, and I'm sure had as much fun as I. I am still wound up like a kite. Even made Chuck an apple pie, and also a big beef pot pie left over from a roast a few days ago. Some of each will have to go in the freezer because I am on another diet. It's easy to put the pounds on, but hard to take them off. When I am dieting is when I stay at home a lot. It certainly is no fun, but always have something planned to look forward to. There to gain back some of the weight. But everything can be fun if we chose it to be.

This Sunday is one of the most pleasant days I seen in awhile. A bright sun blinds us without we have our sun glasses on. The wind is not here today for a change. I took a picture of a jet flying like a bullet leaving a long stream of smoke. Then the two birds flirting, and people walking for exercise. Life is busy no matter where you go, or even if you stay at home. I could be much busier, but some things just won't fit into my want to base. I keep hoping for that time when I will finish a few things that I desire so much to complete. The Word says “there is a time and a season for all things,” I'm standing on this promise, and leaning on the clock. But first I must keep joshing with my friends. They come first because they too are waiting for something great to happen. Most of us are in the same ship without a sail. Absolutely one big bunch of blessed mortals still reaching for a star. Our faith will never waver, or rob our victory.

I want to leave everyone with a positive thought. If you think God didn't hear you, you're wrong. It is you who didn't hear Him. Clean out your ears, and call out to Him again. God never fails to hear anyone's prayer, even if He didn't approve of your request, it was because He knew what was best for you. You must never, never lose faith in God, even in the darkest times. Jesus never lost faith even though He had to go all the way to the cross. We are no better than our Lord Jesus Christ. He is all that should matter to us mortals.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Even The Angels Smiled On Us"

Jean's Comment's: "Even The Angels Smiled On Us": Twenty tables like this was filled with Valentine sweethearts at our party. 2-15-2020 Perryton, TX   Still feeling happy from a su...

"Even The Angels Smiled On Us"

Twenty tables like this was filled with Valentine sweethearts at our party. 2-15-2020 Perryton, TX


Still feeling happy from a super nice Valentine party dinner at the Center. I just now made plans for another fun time on leap year day February 29, at Norman, Oklahoma. I will be spending two nights with my sisters there. That's only two weeks away, and I'm already getting anxious. I have found it's better to take more time away from a home where you live alone, and have no family close by. I have lots of friends which I am so thankful for, but they cannot take the place of family. My three sisters do a good job of filling the vacancy left by my husband. With all of us being retired there is plenty of time to get together, and enjoy our remaining days left on earth. I still miss my three brothers, and my mother, and father, but my sisters help that sadness also. It's hard to explain loneliness even when everything is so positive, and promising. A close relationship with family, and friends cannot be replaced by any measure. I have lots of tears to share with my close loved ones, and lots of laughs to create a roar. Lets keep up the faith, and share the blessings. I am honestly always waiting for a call from anyone who needs a lift. I also am waiting for a call from anyone who has exciting news to share. Life becomes very boring without these two privileges being used.

The week-ends are always the hardest times for me to settle down. There is mostly nothing on television but reruns, and never any interesting news. I was never one to watch a lot of movies or sit in silence for long at a time. I like to feel like I'm moving on. The time don't stop, so I want to move with it even though I may not be doing anything necessarily important. Those who for some reason are confined to their recliner, or a wheelchair, I hurt more than they do. I would, if I could, pick them up, and take them on a vacation without crutches. However, I admire the willingness these people have to be what they are left with and still can smile. I have to believe God gives them strength every day, for His own purpose. This world needs more of Jesus, and less of Satan. This scripture makes me believe even more that God wants people to be close together instead of loners. Matthew 18:20 “Where two are three are gathered together in My name there I am in their midst.” He is not saying He will not be with just one, but it is clear the more people believing together will be apt to have more faith. That's why we need each other, more than standing alone. I like my one on one with Jesus, but I also like my fellow Christian believers. Where are some of you, are we sticking together?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 14, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Aren't They Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "Aren't They Beautiful":                         The oldest one you see is not me. ha ha. 2-14-2020 Perryton, TX The picture I'm posting is a few of my fr...

"Aren't They Beautiful"

                        The oldest one you see is not me. ha ha. 2-14-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I'm posting is a few of my friends at the Senior Citizens Valentine Party last night. The party was a super success in spite of the cold temperature. No one expected such a big crowd. The rib eyes were delicious as well as the other food we were served. A fun game was emceed by one of our radio announcers. It was called, “Not so newly weds quiz.” It was fun, and the fellowship was outstanding. I was too hyped up when I went to bed to go to sleep. I guess I'm getting too old for so much excitement all at once. But I did make it back for the luncheon today. Not very many can say that. The crowd was small today. We had another good meal of bacon wrapped chicken breast. One of my favorite meats, plus some of the left-over delicious salad we had last night. Potato casserole, green beans, and squash, My favorite bread, crescents, and valentine cake for dessert. I say a big thank you to everyone who made this event a big success.

After lunch today I made a quick trip to Liberal, Kansas to pick up Chuck's skoal. The weather was cold, but otherwise nice. I did not stay and shop, because I forgot to do something I needed to do before the bank closed today. I made it back in time. Strangely enough I am not as glued to the television as I have been. It seems like we the people have been made victor's, even thought the losers won't accept that. We are reapers of a long, hard battle, and how good it feels. I think it's going to be down hill all the way from now on out. I'm ready for a continuous victory celebration. Of course I will not fail to go to the polls and vote. We must keep our guards up, and be sure we put the right persons in office. God expects that of us. I plan on taking another evening for my enjoyment before I retire for the week-end. Saturday, tomorrow evening. I plan to meet with the widowed persons again for a get-together at one of our restaurants. We have a light evening meal, and catch each other up on all the latest pro's, and con's with what we know. It's just another time out for too much staying at home.

With all the hurry-up, busy stuff I've endured this past week I think I'm going to enjoy a quite, peaceful week-end at home. I'm sure I will be talking a lot on the phone. No more working, or fussing over my house work. It's in good enough shape for me. If anyone wants to come and see me while my house is clean you better hurry up. Otherwise it might not ever happen again. A lot depends on what our country will be hit with again. I just cannot put my house work before my country. I can at least know what's going on, and tell Jesus about it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Is Anybody Home"

Jean's Comment's: "Is Anybody Home": Just a little snow left on the porch roof, but what will it be like tomorrow? 2-12-2020 Perryton. TX Perryton did get more snow last ...

"Is Anybody Home"

Just a little snow left on the porch roof, but what will it be like tomorrow? 2-12-2020 Perryton. TX

Perryton did get more snow last night, The roof of this little bird house was covered with snow when I woke up this morning. Again the sun came out and at 2 o'clock this evening most of it is gone. One more day till the Valentine party at the Center, and I'm holding my breath. A lot of people will be disappointed if a big snow comes, and causes people to want to stay home. Or even if the temperature drops so low the ice won't melt. Surly the Lord will let us enjoy our special occasion. The steaks will start being served at 6 o'clock. Just about the time it starts getting dark. By faith we all will be safe. I stayed home from the luncheon today because it was cold, and snowing. I didn't know how much would come before it quit, and I feel sure most people did stay home. I used the time to do some work around here. I still need to make an apple pie for my son who gave me fresh apples to make him one. His appetite comes and goes. I try to wait for him to tell me what he thinks he would like. If I don't I end up throwing out a lot of food. Something I never did in my life before I started helping Chuck with his food. Although I always had more people around to eat. Things can really change with time.

I'm trying hard to stay positive about the evil times we are going through now. I am attempted to be scammed at least two or three times almost every day. With my computer, and by telephone. I'm afraid the scammers are gaining ground with the latest technologist efforts being constantly exercised to combat this evil take-over. We have no choice but to wake up from our simply relaxation of “easy does it.” Again we must fight or get killed by evil aggression. Most of all we must accept the fact that it's here to stay. School is not over for any of us any more. No we don't have the privilege of sitting in an eight hour classroom, we must be our own teachers through brain digging, and prayer lest we get left without any understanding. We must learn new languages, and new phrases that we have never heard before. Patience must never falter, or our hard work will just go down the drain. At this very moment I am writing this blog with a completely new version of spell check. I'm having to figure it out as I go. I keep saying I'm just going to give it all up, and be a silent bench warmer. But that just don't fit my personality. Until people get so bored with my way of trying to communicate I will keep on trying. If I get a call from some of you from a number that I don't recognize, just expect me to hang up. Sometimes the message says spam risk, but sometimes it shows to be a friend when it is not one. I am amazed at how much so many of you have advanced in computer knowledge, but I am still in kindergarten without a teacher.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Quick Show Of Snow"

Jean's Comment's: "A Quick Show Of Snow":           The snow did come last night, but not as much as expected. 2-11-2020 Perryton, TX Old man winter has been treating us very n...

"A Quick Show Of Snow"

          The snow did come last night, but not as much as expected. 2-11-2020 Perryton, TX

Old man winter has been treating us very nicely so far. What was suppose to have been a heavy snow, and last for several days was just a light snow, and it's all melted off tonight. A lot of people rushed off to the grocery store yesterday to stock up, but turned out to be a false alarm. I'm glad I went because now I won't have to be going to the grocery store for several days. I usually go several times a week.

I got a lot accomplished today which makes me feel so happy. I find myself procrastinating more all the time. It's the easiest thing I have ever done. Since I'm not lucky enough to have a maid I finally have to do it myself. I really would not have a maid doing my work if I had all the money in the world. My work is God's work, and God's work is my work. This is a little song I learned at four years old in church. The title is, “If we all pull together how happy we will be.” It's not as easy for me to do things as it used to be,, but I can get it done. I'm telling my friends now that they can come to see me any time, but my house may not be in very good shape. Surprisingly they say the same thing to me. We learn to live with what energy we have left day by day. When the mood comes we get things done. The moods just used to come more often.

I'm very anxious for the Valentine party to get here day after tomorrow. I think it will be a fun time, and I know the rib-eye steak will be good. I like surprises, and I've heard there will be several. I don't plan to act my age, like my mother used to tell me. After all I am in my second childhood. If Arthur Itis decides to go with me I will keep him hid. Our Senior Citizens Center is for everyone in their second childhood however, it's not limited to just that. We are so hoping the weather will not let us down. I only live four blocks from the Center, but others live a lot farther than that. I have invited a friend who lives in the country to stay with me that night. The following day will be a luncheon again at the Center, She has said it all depends on the weather.

I see it's past my bed time. I was too busy today to put a blog on so I stayed up and posted one tonight. I don't go to sleep till after midnight anyway. I can get up when I get ready. It's so nice to be free from a work schedule, and be your own boss. Some people call it retired. I call it a life long vacation. Whatever I enjoy it a lot.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 10, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "No Time To Rest"

Jean's Comment's: "No Time To Rest": Ochiltree County one and only Republican candidate for Texas U,S. Representative for Congress 13 th district. 2-10-2020 Perryton, TX ...

"No Time To Rest"

Ochiltree County one and only Republican candidate for Texas U,S. Representative for Congress 13 th district. 2-10-2020 Perryton, TX

The Senior Citizen's Center was honored again today to have Ronny Jackson speak to us. He is running for Texas U.S. Representative to Congress for the 13th district. Ronny had spoken to us before, and already had everyone's, as far as we can tell vote. But we were pleased to have him speak again today. Ronny has lived in Washington D C for several years working in the White House as a doctor for the last three Presidents. President Trump was pleased to let Ronny Jackson move back to his homeland and run for the Texas U.S. Republican Representative in the 13th district being left open by Republican Representative Mac Thornberry. The last count I had there were 13 other Republican candidates running for that office. We here in Perryton are fighting hard for Ronny to be nominated. America needs him greatly, as well as the people in the 13th district needs him. May everyone band together and get this man back in Washington D C. I have talked to Ronny twice since he entered the campaign field, and he feels almost like family. Go Ronny, go.

We had a nice crowd at the Center today. The menu was Mexican pile on, and the cooks didn't leave anything off. The weather was normal today, but we are suppose to have several days of very bad weather starting tomorrow. I went to the grocery store before I went to the luncheon. There were so many people buying groceries till you could hardly get down the aisles. The spring that I thought was in the air a few days ago has now turned to winter cold. What an unpredictable part of the world Perryton, Texas is located in. But it is still better than any other place I know of when you add up all the pro's and con's. It has been my home for 64 years. I feel blessed more each day.

While most of us are waiting in our fox holes, I am about ready to come out fighting again. If we must fight let us get it over with. If it takes deadly bullets let us blast away. I see no other way to end this evil war but to get much tougher than we've been. Our President is taking fire for calling the shots, but I am with him all the way. Take them out, Mr. President. They keep asking for it. Whatever it takes to get our country back to respecting God, I say get it done. God has the one powerful bullet ready to destroy every evil creature on earth, and He will use it when He sees He must. We are all still pleading that it won't have to happen, but I remember how much Abraham pleaded with God to save even part of Sodom, and Gomorrah. God did not change his mind. Fire and brimstone destroyed those two evil nations, except the eight people God let escape because of His love for Abraham. They were part of Abraham's family. I do not believe we will be staying in our fox holes much longer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Square Off With Thinking"

Jean's Comment's: "Square Off With Thinking": A square sun? Sometimes when the clouds decide to make it that way. 2-9-2020 Perryton, TX My eyes saw a perfectly round sun. My ca...

"Square Off With Thinking"

A square sun? Sometimes when the clouds decide to make it that way. 2-9-2020 Perryton, TX

My eyes saw a perfectly round sun. My camera saw a square sun, What was I suppose to get from that illusion? This was definitely my subject for this Sunday, although it didn't come to me till the end of the day. Now I am writing without a clue of what I'm suppose to say. I had intended to skip my blog today, and the time had passed for me to post, but in an instant I was directed to this common-looking sun about to disappear. I was not at all impressed because I had taken so many pictures of the sun, and this one had no real meaning at the time. But I followed my instinct and reached for my camera. When I unloaded the picture I had a square sun. The second shot was the same effect. What can you say about a square sun?

I had had a long visit with my sister by telephone today. We talked about one of our nephews who had passed away recently, and today was his 51st birthday. His sister had wished him a happy birthday in heaven on face book. Somehow I felt like I had been negligent in talking to my young nieces, and nephews while they were growing up about the positivity of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. I was not around them that much so when I did see them it was like they did not what to hear me preach to them. Of course I would not have needed to preach to them had they been taught the Word of God. And let me be clear, it was just a few of my nieces, and nephews who had not been trained up by God's Word. The mother of this nephew who has passed on told me before he died she tried to talk to him about God, but he didn't believe in that stuff. I tried to encourage her by saying we don't always know what is in one's heart. However, I feel more like if a person is a born again Christian people will know it.

I believe now this message is for the living persons who think that there is no hell, and everybody is going to heaven. Also those who do not want to think either about heaven or hell. It's like they don't care what happens after they die. I think, but not sure, I might have one of those in my own family. My thought now. I saw a round sun with my own eyes, but my camera saw a square one. Do our eyes always see things the way God sees them? I believe life is a battle from the day we are born till the day we die. Does anyone understand the full meaning of God's Word? Are we suppose to worry about whether someone made it to heaven or not? All of these questions are no, but I definitely stand by the scripture that says ye must accept Christ as your Savior. John 14:6.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 8, 2020

"A Few Lived"

Amidst all the dead stalks, and laves I find this blackberry plant still bearing green leaves. 2-8-2020 Perryton, TX
On this nice sunny day I was out strolling in the yard and found these blackberry plants still bearing green leaves. The stalks were green, and full of sap. Yet every other plant or weed was crumbly dry. I noticed a tiny speck of life showing up on one of the cherry trees. Within a few days we will be celebrating a new birth from several of our mother plants, and trees. The second week of February, and I'm sure we will have more freezing weather. But I got a thrill to see these signs of spring just the same. So far we have had hardly any bad weather. It would be so nice not to see anymore till next winter. However, that would be a whole new climate change for Perryton, Texas.

I have had a good visit with some family members, and friends today by telephone. I am getting ready in a few minutes to go to the Widower's group for a slight dinner. It's been a few weeks since I've been due to the long impeachment trial. I am trying to adjust to the never-ending Trump haters, who cannot give up on their failure to remove him from the Oval Office. I believe we are in this impeachment situation for the long haul. When God has had enough He will bring it to an end abruptly. I can relax, and know God is in full control. I have shed all the tears I'm going to on everyone of my loved ones, and friends, who will not give up on their evil attempt to destroy our President and our entire country. Enough is enough, and you will find that to be true if you read the book of Genesis where God destroyed a whole nation of Sodom, and Gomorrah for their wickedness. He let eight people out of the entire nation escape the terrible punishment, and that was all because of one man's love for his family. The same God who destroyed Sodom, and Gomorrah is fixing to do the same thing with America. However, God will make a way for His Christian believers to also escape. I have no idea how many that will be, but surly more than eight. I will not give up hope, but will shed no more tears. Somehow God has conditioned my heart for the loss of my precious loved ones. He has a way of removing all memories that does not bring us joy. I will always be listing for my name while I continue to work for my God, and follow his command. When my Master calls I will answer. I will be somewhere working for my Lord. That does not mean I will be somewhere on a pedestal, or somewhere in a low valley. I may be eating with my widowed friends this evening, or working in my yard tomorrow. Where ever I am, I will be listening for my name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Light Of The World"

Jean's Comment's: "The Light Of The World": Here it is again. The sun came up after the democrats cursed it. God is still in control.2-7-2020 Perryton, TX   Sure enough I woke up ...

"The Light Of The World"

Here it is again. The sun came up after the democrats cursed it. God is still in control.2-7-2020 Perryton, TX
Sure enough I woke up this morning feeling much better than I did yesterday. The face of this big sun gave me a pepper-up shot. I'm still a warrior fighting for our country. We must continue to fight, because the evil American traitors are still dumb enough to think they can whip the Almighty God. Does this mean many more lives, maybe millions, will die before they see the powerful army just over the mountain? God's army is sure, and certain, but fools have yet to believe that. The believers of Jesus Christ must get stronger because what's coming is more than most of us could take without much more spiritual strength. How can we, the believers, possible stand to see our precious loved ones who were good, but unbelievers, lying in their blood because they refused to believe God's Word? Matthew 12:30. Whosoever is not for me is against me. Whoever does not gather with me scatters from me. No man can serve two masters.

God gave us this great America, and furnished us with wise forefathers to provide a constitution that would always keep us sovereign, but he also gave us the ability to protect ourselves from our enemies. The time has come now where we are going to have to use this constitution, to fight for our right to keep it. That's what this war is all about. Destroy the U, S. constitution, and let the evil, greedy, power-seekers take over. It would be better for the mountains to fall on us than to let this happen.( God's Word.) 

We hear our President Trump calling out the worst of these evil doers, even from the Prayer Breakfast. Yes, it has come to that. No more tolerance, and tears for these do, or die, unpardonable ex Americans, and the countries they have joined forces with. The truce effort is over. It must now be worked out with blood. Let's not forget blood has already been shed by many while getting to this boiling point. This is my own personal opinion, but I feel extremely correct with it.

Now for a better thought. I had lunch today with friends at the Center. How thankful I am to have such a nice group of Christian friends. They are fun, they are serious, and they are prepared for the future with whatever it may bring. If you need some ammunition for your faith come join us at the Senior Citizens Center. The bigger our count, the better our shot. Prayer is our most effective, and our less expensive ammunition. We don't use it at the Center, but we are loaded up when we leave. You can rest assured as far as now we have no enemies in our Center. When the pledge of allegiance is given 100 percent is on their feet with hand over heart. I can't say how long this will continue, but we are hoping forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Another Kind Of Rainbow"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Kind Of Rainbow":                                 A sign of God's powerful miracles. 2-6-2020 Perryton, TX In case you can't figure this picture...

"Another Kind Of Rainbow"

                                A sign of God's powerful miracles. 2-6-2020 Perryton, TX

In case you can't figure this picture out, it is the effect the sunrise created this morning in the eastern sky. A little unusual, but very pretty. The day turned out to be beautiful also. The feel of spring was in the air. I was still celebrating from the victory awarded to President Trump yesterday. The judge declared him not guilty of either of the two articles of impeachment. It had been a long hard battle, but was so wonderful to finally hear him declared innocent of any crime. I did not realize how long, and how stressed out I had been over staying close to the television all the time this debacle had been going on. I can imagine what our President, and his family had been through, Also those never slacking off dedicated men, and women who worked endlessly to get out President acquitted. America owes them a lifetime of praise, and compassion. Over half of our country was behind this President, but the other half had been working for years to give our country away to the evil seekers.

We know that there are still battles to be fought, but our faith has been raised to the highest level, and we will continue to fight with our Almighty God leading us. He gives us strength every day if we will just dare to use it for Him. So today I am feeling the tiredness in my body, but know that I will feel better tomorrow. I am just somewhat overcome with gratitude. I needed a day of complete peace, and quietness. Tomorrow I will be celebrating with friends at the Center. We may not be able to contain our dignity, but that's what victory is all about. Those of us who are not bald will be letting our hair down. I have a new cut so I won't have much to let down. I do feel the long overdue showing of love, and appreciation for each other coming back. However, for some I have a doubt that it will ever come back. How sad to say, but the bible bears this out.

At last I must say I have great hopes for America now. The swamp has been cleaned almost to the bottom. There are those still working on it, and are equipped to bury the stink that is left. What a thrill to know that our nation will be smelling clean again soon. I watched the best State of The Union Address last Tuesday that I had ever watched. It was beyond imagination. We saw miracles happening with our own eyes. But Satan was there with his evil performances trying to steal the show. It didn't work; he just made the real miracles more real. We, as Christians cannot give into these demotic attempts to change our beliefs. God has proven Himself to us, and we must not be weakened by our fellow ambassadors who have fallen by the wayside. It's hard to do, but God has allowed all things to happen for a reason. We must trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 3, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Valentine Memories"

Jean's Comment's: "Valentine Memories":                         Music to my ears. Happy valentine sweetheart. 2-3-2020 Perryton, TX   My valentine left me seven years ago, bu...

"Valentine Memories"

                        Music to my ears. Happy valentine sweetheart. 2-3-2020 Perryton, TX
My valentine left me seven years ago, but he left me his memories. I purchased a ticket today to the up-coming Valentine Banquet at the Senior Citizen's Center. I will pretend that my sweetheart is with me, like the several other widows who will be with me. We get to laugh at the other couples who will be giving us a lesson on how to attract, and be a new couple after they have lost their own. Of course there will be those older couples who have been married for years trying to compete with the newer set. We expect a roaring crowd, and after we have eaten our rib-eye steaks, and all other good stuff, it will be a pleasure to watch the grandma's and grandpa's show off. We do have such a nice Senior Center, with a lot of priceless people. I don't know how Perryton managed it, but it is a real fact. Nothing is free there, but it is affordable to most everyone if they choose friends, and fellowship over pizza delivery, and other lazy persons type of amusement. Unfortunately so many people are looking for something free when Senior Citizen is mentioned. There are places, I hear, that give free meals to those who are seeking only hand-outs, but our Center prefers to have everyone who eats there to pay their small part. They then can become a member, and use their voice to help decide on which things that need to be improved on.

I will be watching “The State Of The Union” addressed by President Trump tomorrow night. The following day I plan to watch the end of the impeachment trial. Out President is supposed to be acquitted at that time. I'm looking for the Democrats to pull some more tricks out of the bag, but I truly believe they have petered out. To every American this night should be much more important than the yesterday's Super Bowl. Our President has done a great many of good things for our country even with all the evil forces pouncing down on him. For three and one-half years he has been a super hero. Just think how much more he can accomplish if he doesn't have to fight his own Americans who have turned traitors. Pay day is coming for a lot of people who thought they were free to dismantle America. Not because I might want them punished, but because the bible plainly says “what so ever a man soweth that will he also reap,” The bible does not lie, or change it's mind. I have friends, and loved ones who fit into that category. I pray daily for them, because I love them, but I cannot put them above God's law. I'm not their judge, but I know God will give them what is coming to them. He will also give me grace to endure.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Mr Groundhog"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Mr Groundhog":                  Mr. Groundhog saw President Trump's shadow. 2-2-2020 Perryton, TX   The groundhog didn't see his shadow today...

"Thank You Mr Groundhog"

                 Mr. Groundhog saw President Trump's shadow. 2-2-2020 Perryton, TX
The groundhog didn't see his shadow today, but he did see President Trump's shadow. That means we will have eight more years of President Trump after this next election. Poor Democrats can they last that long? From what I see on their faces now, I don't think they will make it. But like a fighting rooster they will fight till they die. It's sad, but true. I am praying that they will somehow see what they have done, and admit it so they can live longer. I am serious, I do hope these crooked power seekers will finally give up and accept their punishment.

As many of you have noticed I have been absent from my writing for a week. I could not miss one minute of the impeachment trial, and when it wasn't on my mind still would not stray from it. This next week is suppose to end the trial, but I think it is going to continue to be a fight for a long time yet. Possible till God takes over, and ends it Himself. It would have to get much worse than it is now before God will make that decision. We may be beginning the last war that will be fought on earth. It seems like it is leading to an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Laws will no longer apply. That is how far this nation has stooped in evil. I'm so thankful I have God as my shield.

Tomorrow I will begin to try and focus more on my normal routine. I plan to have lunch at the Center and purchase my ticket to the Valentine Banquet. I'm even excited about that. I won't have a sweetheart, but I can watch the fun action that will be taking place by those who do. We've been promised it will be great fun to watch. Our Senior Center is blessed with so many fun, loving people, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate them. We will be having rib-eye stakes with all the trimmings. These ole boys can make the best charcoal grilled steaks in the world. If we don't get our tickets ahead of time we can't be accepted this year, so says our mighty humorous Senior Citizen President. Humorous, but I'm taking her serious because I don't want to miss this great occasion. I know how expensive rib-eyes are, and that if you don't have a pretty close count someone may come up short. My guess is there will be 100 there for a steak, and possibly more. By the way I did get some house cleaning done today since it was Sunday, and the trial is recessed for awhile. Not a major cleaning, but every little bit helped to make me feel better. I vacuumed the better part of my house, and that is a major job for me anymore. My carpet being dark wine color shows up every speck of popcorn, or crackers. Those white specks look like shinning stars in heaven. They are gone tonight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp