Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"Awe Beauty Is Coming"

                       Perennials are shooting up fixing to bloom. 2-18-2020 Perryton, TX
Today is February 18 and these perennials I just took a picture of are fixing to bloom. This makes my heart glad because I love it when the flowers start blooming. I'm sure we will have a lot of cold weather yet, but I have a lot of flowers that live right through the freezing streak, and look wonderful. Tulips, dahlias, crocus, and several other plants love the cold weather. They set the stage for more later flowers, and the roses are just beautiful. There is no question about it the soil has to be treated, and dead left-over stems, and leaves have to be removed. The yard work begins early, and lasts till late in the fall. I plan to do all the work myself except for grass mowing. I would rather do it than to be living in Assisted Living facilities. I count it a blessing to be able to still live in my home, and do most of my own work. My attitude is much better in the spring, and summer. I go more places, and leave my worries behind. Of course there can be bad weather in the summer also. Floods, and tornadoes are a constant threat. The dry heat and wind can cause country fires that are often very devastating. And if mother nature don't bother us the hate in some of God's people will. We all are having to earn our right to live anymore. All the easy streets have disappeared.

I try not to think about the future, because that can sap one's victory quicker than anything. I just need to stay occupied today. Tomorrow will take care of it's self. I'm always ready for an exciting tomorrow, but I must accept what ever it brings. I never know what my mood will be tomorrow, or whether I will be asked to go somewhere with a special friend. As I already know I cannot control the future, I am prepared to let the future control me. I have that much faith in God. I might say today that I would never do a certain thing, but that very thing just might happen after all. Of course we are sensible enough to know the difference between right, and wrong. We call it waiting upon the Lord. My what a happy feeling to know you are in God's loving care, and He will never let you down, even if you may think for a moment He has. If we fall God picks us up. If we doubt God replaces our faith. If we cry He wipes out tears. Surly mercy, and goodness will follow us all the days of our life, and we shall live with God forever and ever. Take heed lest we be tempted, and drawn away from the will of God. Yes there is a price to pay, although it's small compared to what Jesus paid for us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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