Saturday, February 22, 2020

"A Good Sign To Take Seriously"

                    Someone agrees with me. Never stop doing this. 2-22-2020 Perryton, TX

I am seeing signs like this in people's yards all over our city. Some say “Be kind always,” and there are other inspiring messages. I am curious as to why signs like these are being places all around. I know of nothing that they could be making a promotion for. My thought is that our country is so divided, and so at war with each other, till God has led the way for signs of repentance to be placed all over the nation, including Perryton, Texas. It is a known fact that things are growing more, and more out of control. While China is not the most advanced nation in nuclear technology it is by far the most wealthiest money wise. China has weakened the fitness of everything they produce till they have taken the lead for years in product demand. When one makes cheap clothing, and all kinds of automobiles, all kinds of electronic instruments, and much of the food that is sold to other countries at a cheap price, it is a certainty that they will become the wealthiest. As a result for a lack of demand because of these cheap products, many countries, especially the U,S.A. Has become a large debtor to China.

Now that America has a President who has skillfully changed all the cunning ways China has used against us, regretfully that country has become much more lax in their food preparation, and it seems as though they are going to make a comeback by processing more food to sell to the U,S. What I have been reading about the way China raises, and processes food would make anyone want to go on a diet. Especially when they are buying out some of America's largest meat, and food distributors. As I visited today in a store with one of my son's neighbors, we discussed some of the latest changes China is making with the U.S. This neighbor had a positive attitude, and said our President has a cure for that also, but how much of that sickening food will we consume before our President can fix the problem? The problem is we do not know what we are eating or where it is processed. Example, some pork will read raised in America, but the fine print reads processed in China. Some name brand green beans I always buy was said to be raised in Chins in a compost of human feces. If so these brands of green beans sit on shelves in almost every American grocery store. The article I read today on this China food processing was supposed to have been researched, and documented as correct. Is it any wonder that China wanted to keep the coronavirus cases secret as much as possible. I will admit that I'm writing what I have read, or heard on television. Everyone knows the news has to be taken with a grain of salt these days, but again what are we suppose to believe?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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