Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"A Quick Show Of Snow"

          The snow did come last night, but not as much as expected. 2-11-2020 Perryton, TX

Old man winter has been treating us very nicely so far. What was suppose to have been a heavy snow, and last for several days was just a light snow, and it's all melted off tonight. A lot of people rushed off to the grocery store yesterday to stock up, but turned out to be a false alarm. I'm glad I went because now I won't have to be going to the grocery store for several days. I usually go several times a week.

I got a lot accomplished today which makes me feel so happy. I find myself procrastinating more all the time. It's the easiest thing I have ever done. Since I'm not lucky enough to have a maid I finally have to do it myself. I really would not have a maid doing my work if I had all the money in the world. My work is God's work, and God's work is my work. This is a little song I learned at four years old in church. The title is, “If we all pull together how happy we will be.” It's not as easy for me to do things as it used to be,, but I can get it done. I'm telling my friends now that they can come to see me any time, but my house may not be in very good shape. Surprisingly they say the same thing to me. We learn to live with what energy we have left day by day. When the mood comes we get things done. The moods just used to come more often.

I'm very anxious for the Valentine party to get here day after tomorrow. I think it will be a fun time, and I know the rib-eye steak will be good. I like surprises, and I've heard there will be several. I don't plan to act my age, like my mother used to tell me. After all I am in my second childhood. If Arthur Itis decides to go with me I will keep him hid. Our Senior Citizens Center is for everyone in their second childhood however, it's not limited to just that. We are so hoping the weather will not let us down. I only live four blocks from the Center, but others live a lot farther than that. I have invited a friend who lives in the country to stay with me that night. The following day will be a luncheon again at the Center, She has said it all depends on the weather.

I see it's past my bed time. I was too busy today to put a blog on so I stayed up and posted one tonight. I don't go to sleep till after midnight anyway. I can get up when I get ready. It's so nice to be free from a work schedule, and be your own boss. Some people call it retired. I call it a life long vacation. Whatever I enjoy it a lot.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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