Monday, February 10, 2020

"No Time To Rest"

Ochiltree County one and only Republican candidate for Texas U,S. Representative for Congress 13 th district. 2-10-2020 Perryton, TX

The Senior Citizen's Center was honored again today to have Ronny Jackson speak to us. He is running for Texas U.S. Representative to Congress for the 13th district. Ronny had spoken to us before, and already had everyone's, as far as we can tell vote. But we were pleased to have him speak again today. Ronny has lived in Washington D C for several years working in the White House as a doctor for the last three Presidents. President Trump was pleased to let Ronny Jackson move back to his homeland and run for the Texas U.S. Republican Representative in the 13th district being left open by Republican Representative Mac Thornberry. The last count I had there were 13 other Republican candidates running for that office. We here in Perryton are fighting hard for Ronny to be nominated. America needs him greatly, as well as the people in the 13th district needs him. May everyone band together and get this man back in Washington D C. I have talked to Ronny twice since he entered the campaign field, and he feels almost like family. Go Ronny, go.

We had a nice crowd at the Center today. The menu was Mexican pile on, and the cooks didn't leave anything off. The weather was normal today, but we are suppose to have several days of very bad weather starting tomorrow. I went to the grocery store before I went to the luncheon. There were so many people buying groceries till you could hardly get down the aisles. The spring that I thought was in the air a few days ago has now turned to winter cold. What an unpredictable part of the world Perryton, Texas is located in. But it is still better than any other place I know of when you add up all the pro's and con's. It has been my home for 64 years. I feel blessed more each day.

While most of us are waiting in our fox holes, I am about ready to come out fighting again. If we must fight let us get it over with. If it takes deadly bullets let us blast away. I see no other way to end this evil war but to get much tougher than we've been. Our President is taking fire for calling the shots, but I am with him all the way. Take them out, Mr. President. They keep asking for it. Whatever it takes to get our country back to respecting God, I say get it done. God has the one powerful bullet ready to destroy every evil creature on earth, and He will use it when He sees He must. We are all still pleading that it won't have to happen, but I remember how much Abraham pleaded with God to save even part of Sodom, and Gomorrah. God did not change his mind. Fire and brimstone destroyed those two evil nations, except the eight people God let escape because of His love for Abraham. They were part of Abraham's family. I do not believe we will be staying in our fox holes much longer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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